
Wednesday, October 05, 2011

(FINANCIAL GAZETTE ZIMBABWE) Letter-Contribution - On Land Reform

COMMENT - This is not an article, but a reaction to an article, that is so relevant and specific that it warrants it's own posting. It makes eminent sense that the people who used to live in the low rainfall areas also want to see the people deported from the so-called European Areas return.

Biti in trouble over Mujuru death

Friday, 30 September 2011 09:37

written by dodzo, October 04, 2011

You people you are being mad for nothing. When it comes to land, I do not agree with you. Land Reform was necessary. This land belongs to black Zimbabweans and it is our heritage. For example, in Nyanga District we were dispossesed of our land (Selbourne, Sanyatwe, Nyakupinga &Troute Back) in 1952 and were thrown to region 5 of the district ( Katerere area).

Now, due to congestion the original Whesa people of Katerere area are now telling us to go back to where we came from in 1952. Yes, since 2000's Land Reform Programme some have managed to get pieces of land "grabbed" ( as you like to say it) from some of the white farmers.

With this history in mind it boggles my mind kuti makadyiswa here ma Zimbo. Can't you see Israelis and Palestinians fighting for land. Why should we shy from our land of heritage. Surely, for my Nyanga people it is a restitution of land rights and even in the bible vanotaura wani panyaya yenhaka yeminda. Anyway, I always say kune vasina kubviswa nevarungu kunzvimbo dzamive nyararai and do not ask for land. Musatirwadzisa nemashoko asina basa.

Let us stay together as Zimbabweans and do not vilify those who claimed their heritage back. We do not want hate speeches and statements. For those White farmers who remained in Nyanga (the are m*re than new farmers) we are working together without any problems. For Zimbabweans, musazoyeuka bako mvura yanaya, hatidi vanhu vanozoti tipeiwo minda or to ask for another land reform. This is the end of the chapter. On economic problems in Zimbabawe, look at Greece, Spain and Italy. MaDemonstrations hamusi kumaona here?

Was there any Land Reform, Corruption, Croynism and mismanagement you talk of in Zimbabwe. Do not be myopic and I urge you to work together as Zimbabweans. Remember alot of people died for this land. They did not die to buy the land. If it was so, then they should have not gone to war. If Mugabe had share this adverse view, he would be in spiritual prison.

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