
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Life in compounds frustrating - Girasoli

Life in compounds frustrating - Girasoli
By Masuzyo Chakwe
Wed 26 Oct. 2011, 15:50 CAT

LIFE in the compounds can be very frustrating, says Archbishop Nicola Girasoli. Delivering a homily at Saint Paul's Parish Church in Lusaka's Chipata compound on Sunday, the Vatican Ambassador to Zambia said there was a lot of frustration in the compounds due to lack of jobs, electrical problems and poor sanitation.

Archbishop Girasoli said there was also overcrowding, making it very uncomfortable for many houses, especially in the rainy season.

"The temptations and the challenges in a compound are very strong and some of us may be tempted to choose and to do wrong things. Be strong and avoid bad ways. Especially you my dear young people, be strong. Say no to alcoholism and sexual promiscuity. Avoid behaviour that can compromise your health and your future. Act always according to the Lord, and to the Gospel. The Parish is here in this compound to give and to strengthen your hope. Be hopeful and patient, life will change…," Archbishop Girasoli said.

He also said this year's 47th independence anniversary celebrations were very special because they followed closely the peaceful tripartite elections held on

September 20, where Zambians elected a new President and a new government.

Archbishop Girasoli said in democracy, peaceful political changes were always a sign of growth and maturity.

"Let us pray that our government leaders will interpret and fulfil the expectations of changes that Zambians expressed with their votes, keeping unity and peace as the pillars of our democracy. Dear brothers and sisters in this feast of 47th year of independence, while we are in celebration of our freedom, and we look at the past at the glorious days which brought freedom to this Zambia, but we are also called to look forward with hope, working together for building a better and a greater Zambia, and committing ourselves to do our best to contribute to eradicate poverty and help those in need," he said.

And Archbishop Girasoli said this year's theme for the World Mission Sunday was based on the two great commandments of love: to love God and to love one's brothers and sisters.

"To love God means to belong to Him, without mediocrity, without any measurement. To love means to overcome any kind of indifferent attitude towards our brothers and sisters. In fact, we are called to love God through our brothers and sisters because God is in and with them. They are, as all of us, children of God," said Archbishop Girasoli.

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