
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

NCZ to meet FISP's fertiliser target tomorrow

NCZ to meet FISP's fertiliser target tomorrow
By Gift Chanda
Wed 19 Oct. 2011, 14:10 CAT

NITROGEN Chemicals of Zambia says it expects to complete the production of 30,000 metric tonnes of fertiliser for the Farmer Input Support Programme this Friday.

In an interview, company head of sales and marketing Daniel Zyambo said NCZ had so far produced 26,000 metric tonnes out of the 30,000 tonnes it was contracted to supply under the Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP).

"We are projecting to clear the outstanding quantity by the end of this week," Zyambo said, adding that "the delay was partly due to derailments in the release of funds to buy raw materials."

He said the distribution of farming inputs to some parts of the country had already commenced.

"As of yesterday Monday, the transporting companies picked 15,275 metric tonnes," he said.

Meanwhile, Zyambo revealed that discussions over the supply of additional fertiliser for the 2011/2012 farming season were under way.

The PF pledged to increase the amount of farming inputs to farmers in the 2011/2012 farming season.

But part of the new government's plans on agriculture is to diversify the sector from dependence on maize to other crops.

Zyambo said NCZ was ready to supply the additional fertiliser if contracted.

He said the plant had increased its production capacity from 18 metric tonnes per hour to 25 metric tonnes.

"We can do 5,000 metric tonnes at short notice in a week," said Zyambo.

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