
Sunday, October 30, 2011

(NEWZIMBABWE) Tired Mugabe wants out: Tsvangirai

COMMENT - This is how the MDC now tries to sell 'regime change'. They are still sellout scum. These always baseless claims is all they have to try and win the 2011 or 2012 elections.

Tired Mugabe wants out: Tsvangirai
30/10/2011 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

MDC-T leader, Morgan Tsvangirai claimed on Sunday that President Robert Mugabe told him he is tired and wants to step down from office. According to the privately-owned Standard newspaper, Tsvangirai told supporters at a rally in Binga that the 87-year-old President was ready to quit but officials in his Zanu-PF party were blocking his retirement.

“On Monday during our meeting, Mugabe said he is now tired and wants to quit and rest but he said elements in Zanu PF do not want him to step down,” Tsvangirai told villagers who attended the Binga meeting.

“He (Mugabe) said further, there are divisions (in Zanu PF) and if he goes now the party will collapse.”

Tsvangirai’s claims follow unconfirmed reports that Mugabe last week travelled back to Singapore for a medical check-up, which would be his eighth visit to the country since January.

Mugabe – who has led the country since independence in 1980 and his party for much longer -- is Zanu PF’s candidate for elections expected to be held next year.

But senior party officials are said to be restive amid reports the President’s health continues to deteriorate following claims he is battling advanced prostate cancer.

Zanu PF will hold its annual conference in Bulawayo between December 6 and 10 and finalise preparations for the polls which Mugabe insists must be held early next year to replace the coalition government.

Meanwhile, Tsvangirai told supporters in Binga the MDC-T would not allow a repeat of the 2008 electoral debacle when, in his view, “the people’s will was not respected”.

“The MDC will not allow a similar affair as that of 2008 where the people’s will was not respected. We shall defend your vote and ensure that your vote means something,” he told supporters.

The MDC-T also claimed that police had blocked another rally by Tsvangirai at Lupane.

“35 police officers all in riot gear and guns besieged the venue at St Paul’s and disrupted proceedings. The officers ordered the women who were preparing food to evacuate the place and dismissed 968 members who were already at the venue,” the party said in statement.

“Police also blocked President Tsvangirai’s tour of St Paul’s Mission Hospital.”

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