
Saturday, October 01, 2011

(QFM RADIO) Sata Bans Exports Without BOZ Permission

Sata Bans Exports Without BOZ Permission

President Michael Sata has with immediate effect banned the exportation of copper and other products from Zambia unless with permission from the Bank of Zambia (BoZ). And President Sata has disclosed that his government will ensure that there is transparency in every business undertaken.

President Sata said Zambians have for a long time now been living in poverty because of massive corruption in the way Zambia’s natural and mineral resources were managed.

He said there was no need to continue exploiting Zambia’s natural and mineral resources if Zambians are not benefiting from them.

President Sata said this at State House today when he swore in his cabinet ministers and their deputies.

He explained that these measures have been taken in order to liberate Zambians from not enjoying benefits that were derived from resources which the country was endowed with.

And Mr. Sata has directed the Minister of Labour, Sports, Youth and Gender Fackson Shamenda to immediately revise upwards the minimum wage from the current K419, 000 per month.

He also directed Mr. Shamenda to look into the issues of the K15 billion unpaid gratuity to civil servants and the K8 billion gratuity which government owes some workers in the judiciary.

The President further urged the Ministry of Home Affairs to closely work with the police which has since seized some vehicles used by the former ruling party, the Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD).

Mr. Sata said the ministry should help the Zambia Revenue Authority to establish how the vehicles in question were brought into the country.

He has since challenged his cabinet ministers and deputy ministers to work hard and serve the people of Zambia diligently.

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