
Saturday, October 01, 2011

Remember women freedom fighters, Moyo implores Sata

Remember women freedom fighters, Moyo implores Sata
By Masuzyo Chakwe and Dziko Mwanza
Sat 01 Oct. 2011, 11:20 CAT

TOURISM Ambassador and MDG advocate Marsha Moyo has urged President Michael Sata to also remember the many women who equally diligently served the nation, when renaming various projects.

Moyo thanked President Sata for renaming various airports, a stadium and a hospital after freedom fighters. President Sata renamed Lusaka, Livingstone and Ndola international airports Kenneth Kaunda, Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula and Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe airports respectively.

"In this vein, I urge him to likewise remember the many women who equally have diligently served this nation such as Chibesa Kankasa, Julia Chikamoneka and Mary Fulano," said Moyo.

Moyo congratulated President Sata on his election as the fifth President of the Republic of Zambia and the Patriotic Front on their election victory.

"As we commemorate World Tourism Day (which fell on September, 29), I am grateful to my fellow Zambians for our peaceful conduct exhibited during the just-ended tripartite elections and confident of the positive message this has sent to the rest of the world for Zambia as a tourist destination of choice," she said.

She said she looked forward to rendering her support to the new government's commitment in leading Zambia and its citizens towards prosperity.

Meanwhile, Arts and Cultural Advocates of Zambia (ACAZ) programmes coordinator Jomo Longwe urged youths to use the renaming of Zambia's major airports as a call for them to retrace their cultural roots and appreciate their heritage.

Longwe said today's youths needed cultural awakening to realise that they also had heroes to look up to.

"The renaming of airports is supposed to remind Zambians that they are a people with a history and culture. The role of the arts is to bring meaning to life and the renaming shows that Zambia's heritage is rich," he said.

Association spokesperson Mkango Jere urged youths to use the renaming of airports as a call to originality and Ubuntu.

"We have so many musicians, artists who practice without a cultural frame. Let us remind ourselves of our roots as a people and chant down cultural degradation. Zambians need their culture and they have to protect it," he said.

President Sata's pronouncement adds Zambia to the list of African countries that have named their airports after their prominent personalities such as Jomo Kenyatta in Kenya, Oliver Tambo in South Africa and Ghana's Kotoka International Airport named after General Major Kotoka.

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