
Friday, October 14, 2011

Rev Mutale hails Sata over ‘biblical principles'

Rev Mutale hails Sata over ‘biblical principles'
By Chibaula Silwamba
Fri 14 Oct. 2011, 13:58 CAT

MICHAEL Sata's commitment to run Zambia on biblical principles is the best thing for our country, says a Lusaka clergywoman. Commenting on President Sata's statement that Zambia needs a lot of religious cleansing and pledge to run the country based on the 10 Comman-dments, Reverend Edith Mutale said:

"Running this country on biblical principles is the best thing that we have heard. I am sure that not only as Christians but even other faiths who have principles on which they run government, I am sure they are running governments on principles that are going to add value to the governance of this country."

"In the 10 Commandments, if we look at them, we see how as a people we can respect God. If we live in line with the 10 Commandments, we cannot kill, we cannot steal; you can't steal from somebody you love, somebody whom you love, you can't kill them, you can't grab his wife or her husband."

She said the 10 Commandments were like a manual that must be used to remind Christians on how to live.

She urged families to have the 10 Commandments in their homes and love God and one another.

Rev Mutale said usage of the 10 Commandments would help transform Zambia.
"Our leaders should love God so that they feed Zambians. But we have seen leaders that are stealing from the people they are supposed to be leading and loving. That has been the greatest nightmare that we the Zambian people have seen," she said. "People that are supposed to give us food and medicine are the ones stealing from us. The MMD government has been stealing."

She called for practicality on the part of President Sata in running the nation on biblical principles.

"We don't want rhetoric; we want things to be done. But I know for sure that President Sata is a man of action and once he makes a pronouncement, he will live by it and my prayer is that God gives him the wisdom that He gave to the leaders of the Bible like Nehemiah," said Rev Mutale.

"Nehemiah had a heart for his people. We want Mr. Sata to be the Nehemiah of today; the man who will say, ‘Zambia is in ruins' and he must rebuild the walls of Zambia. I give President Sata the name of Nehemiah who must rebuild Zambia."

President Sata has committed himself to ensure that Zambia was run on biblical values.

"I am very grateful for your coming to Zambia. We need lots of religious cleansing…I am very grateful and I said this government shall be ruled on the Biblical terms. This government shall be ruled by the 10 Commandments," said President Sata when he met visiting Anglican Church leader Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams on Thursday.

"It's within those 10 Commandments all the laws of the world, that's where they come from and that's how we are going to rule."

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