
Thursday, October 06, 2011

Sata urges MPs to back Matibini for Speaker

Sata urges MPs to back Matibini for Speaker
By Bright Mukwasa
Thu 06 Oct. 2011, 08:30 CAT

PRESIDENT Michael Sata has appealed to members of parliament to support the candidature of Judge Dr Patrick Matibini SC whom the ruling Patriotic Front is floating as Speaker of the National Assembly.

In a statement issued in Lusaka by the President's special assistant for press and public relations George Chellah, President Sata also called on the members of parliament to support Lundazi MMD MP Mkhondo Lungu as Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly.

"Patriotic Front has fully endorsed Judge Matibini's candidature as Speaker, Hon Lungu as Deputy Speaker and any candidate the opposition MMD will propose as Chairperson of Committees," said President Sata.

"Parliament needs impeccable leadership. And, above all, a person with vast legal knowledge to preside over its affairs."

And PF parliamentary Chief Whip Yamfwa Mukanga said his party was confident Dr Matibini would win the position going by his sound track record of his impartiality and public service.

"Of course Judge Dr Matibini that's our candidate. It's not a closed book, it's an open book. I am saying it publicly. We are trying to do everything possible to ensure that we have a better candidate," Mukanga said.

"Other political parties even if they float the other candidates they should look at who are level-headed.

A candidate who is qualified, a candidate who will be able to meet the trends in modern politics. A candidate who will be able to take Zambia higher realising that we are a multi-party state. So even when the other candidates come, they should be able to vote for my candidate because I believe my candidate will be the best whoever they float."

Mukanga, who is also newly-appointed Minister of Transport, Works, Supply and Communications, said his party was backing a candidate who was ‘very qualified.'

He said his party appreciated what the past speakers had done in the past, hence the decision to back Dr Matibini to ensure that they contributed to propelling the legislature to higher heights.

Meanwhile the opposition UPND has been in talks with the opposition MMD to back UPND's vice-president Richard Kapita for the position of Speaker.
According to sources the UPND has been pressing MMD to support Kapita for Speaker and have offered to rally behind MMD's Lungu for Deputy Speaker.

The source said the MMD decided not to float a candidate for position of Speaker to give advantage to Kapita after the talks but cracks have emerged in the MMD over the proposals as PF has also been having talks with them.

The MMD and the UPND has been in talks to support each others' candidature for the Speaker position. The ruling PF however feels that they have also done enough preparation to guarantee them a win in the election which will be the first business of the House when they resume business on Thursday.

Parliamentarians will be voting for the new Speaker, Deputy Speaker and Chairperson of Committees when Parliament resumes sitting.

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