
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Cops search Dora's house

COMMENT - Why do these bicycles show up all over the place?

Cops search Dora's house
By Bright Mukwasa
Sat 19 Nov. 2011, 12:30 CAT

POLICE yesterday searched the house of Petauke Central member of parliament Dora Siliya for over an hour. During a check at her house No 411 on Independence Avenue in Lusaka yesterday around 10:50 hours, police were seen inside her yard moving about in the presence of her lawyer Sakwiba Sikota.

Siliya, Sikota and the police only left the house around 11:40 hours to unknown destinations. Siliya, who is also MMD spokesperson, refused to talk to journalists who had camped outside her residence. According to police sources, Siliya is scheduled to appear for investigations on Monday in connection with some electric bicycles found at her house.

"We found 12 electric bicycles, we couldn't move them out because you the press had camped outside so we agreed that Ms Siliya proceeds with her parliamentary business to allow you press men to leave. But she is expected to report at the former Task Force offices for questioning on Monday in connection with the same materials," the source said.

Sikota also refused to disclose what the police had been doing in Siliya's house.

"Take down the name of that guy who invaded up there, once we see that clip which was taken, then we are suing that organisation because that's infringement of privacy, that's not allowed to be done," Sikota said as journalists insisted on knowing what was happening in inside the premises.

"No, no, if you had not invaded privacy, if you had respected people's privacy I would have talked to you. You have lost the opportunity by that invasion of privacy. You have messed up by invading privacy," said Sikota before leaving the premises.

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