
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ex-DEC chief gets K5m bail

Ex-DEC chief gets K5m bail
By Maluba Jere
Thu 17 Nov. 2011, 14:00 CAT

FORMER Drug Enforcement Commission chief Aaron Zulu has been granted K5 million cash bail after appearing in the magistrates' court on a charge of abuse of authority of office.

57-year-old Zulu of house number three Jesmondine, who first appeared before chief resident magistrate Joshua Banda, had his matter allocated to principal resident magistrate Aridah Chulu where he appeared for mention.

When the case was called, Zambia Police senior legal officer Simon Tembo told magistrate Chulu that the matter was coming up for mention as the state was still awaiting consent from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).

Tembo told the court that the matter should be mentioned and that Zulu should appear in court for another mention on November 23, 2011.

Zulu's lawyer Sakwiba Sikota applied for bail, saying the offence his client was charged with was bailable.

Sikota said Zulu was of fixed abode and that until his recent retirement as commissioner at DEC, he was in gainful employment.

He said Zulu was a Zambian who was able to provide sureties in an event that he is granted bail.

The state did not object to the bail application.

Magistrate Chulu then granted Zulu K5 million bail with two working sureties in the like sum but in their own recognisance.

Zulu, who was arrested on Tuesday, is charged with one count of abuse of authority of office contrary to Section 99 (1) of the Penal Code Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

It is alleged that Zulu on July 8, 2011, in Lusaka, being a person employed in the public service, namely DEC as commissioner abused the authority of his office and in breach of the laid down procedures sold or directed the sale of 118.897 kilogrammes of gold to Societe Financier Du Seujut SA at a value less than the market price, an act prejudicial to the rights or interests of the government.

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