
Monday, November 14, 2011

Government commits to prioritising science and technology

Government commits to prioritising science and technology
By Brina Manenga
Mon 14 Nov. 2011, 14:00 CAT

EDUCATION minister Dr John Phiri says prioritisation of science and technology is essential for the country's social and economic development. Speaking at the 9th National Science and Technology forum on Friday, Dr Phiri said the PF government was in a hurry and committed to finding a solution to the social and economic challenges facing the country.

"Chemists will inevitably play a key role in overcoming the challenges facing the world today, for example, in helping address the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). A deep understanding of science is essential for developing molecular medicine, for creating new materials and sustainable sources of food and energy," Dr Phiri said.

He said the government's commitment to prioritising science and technology was evident in the funding of various scientific and technological institutions.

Dr Phiri however said his ministry was hoping to see tangible results for improvement of people's lives from the funded institutions.

He encouraged the science community to carry out relevant research and innovations that would help resolve the many socio-economic challenges facing Zambia.

Dr Phiri said there was need for science and technology to be fostered in school if the sector was to be sustained.

"The picture in schools regarding science and technology is pathetic. There are no laboratories while other laboratories have been turned into classrooms. This is something that needs to change. And my government will work hard to ensure that this issue is dealt with," said Dr Phiri.

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