
Wednesday, November 02, 2011

(LUSAKATIMES) Former President Rupiah Banda implicated in Napsa land scam

Former President Rupiah Banda implicated in Napsa land scam
TIME PUBLISHED - Tuesday, November 1, 2011, 11:45 am

THE Commission of Inquiry established to probe irregularities at the National Pension Scheme Authority (NAPSA) has heard that Meanwood Property Development director Robinson Zulu was well-connected to former president Rupiah Banda and that the two sat next to each other to watch the Zambia National Soccer team in training before the transactions started.

NAPSA director of investment Joseph Ngosa testified before the Sebastian Zulu Commission of Inquiry that NAPSA director-general Stanley Phiri asked him if he knew how connected Mr Zulu was before he handed him a letter from Zulu.

This is in a mater in which NAPSA is alleged to have purchased 1,500 hectares of land from Meanwood Property Development in disregard of tender procedures and in the absence of a business development plan.

Mr Ngosa said soon after he was informed that Mr Zulu sat next to President Banda during the soccer training match at Edwin Imboela Stadium, Mr Phiri produced a letter authored by Mr Zulu offering land to NAPSA at K50 million per hectare.

Mr Ngosa also revealed that Mr Phiri further told him to immediately start making arrangements to meet Mr Zulu and discuss the land issue in detail so that NAPSA could purchase it.

He told the commissioners that during the transactions and preceding meetings, he had in mind the statement by the director informing him that Mr Zulu was well-connected and sat next to president Banda at the national soccer team training session.

Apparently, Mr Ngosa explained that, there was no investment at the time by NAPSA but he went ahead and discussed with Mr Zulu.

Director of finance, Doreen Chiwele also testified that there was political pressure in the acquisition of NAPSA land in which Mr Phiri also confessed to her that he was being pressured to ensure that NAPSA bought the land.

During the testimonies by the two officials, Mr Phiri was also present at the Mulungushi International Conference Centre.

She said it was clear that Mr Phiri was under political pressure and looked stressed as he continued pushing for the payment to Meanwood Property Development.

Ms Chiwele said Mr Phiri even confessed to her that he was under political pressure to buy Meanwood land at K75 billion.

Ms Chiwele said at that time, she refused to process the initial payment of K35 billion towards the deal.

She revealed that there were several other offers for land with lower costs but the decision could not be altered because of the political pressure.

Ms Chiwele said Mr Ngosa had written a memorandum to Mr Phiri for the attention of the investment committee of the board of directors but he was told to amend it and remove the aspect of the reservations.

She said in the memorandum to Mr Phiri, Mr Ngosa was explaining the correct procedures and that there were other offers with lower prices.

When asked by Mr Zulu, who is also Minister of Justice who exactly issued political instructions, Ms Chiwele said she was not told by Mr Phiri.

She said there was no evaluation process used to buy the 1,500 hectares of land because other institutions that offered land were excluded.

Ms Chiwele said the procedure used to procure the land was irregular.

[Times of Zambia]

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