
Wednesday, November 09, 2011

(LUSAKATIMES) Government urged bring back the windfall or the mineral royalty tax

Government urged bring back the windfall or the mineral royalty tax
TIME PUBLISHED - Tuesday, November 8, 2011, 9:09 pm

The Civil Servants and Allied Workers Union of Zambia has asked government to reintroduce the windfall tax and reduce the tax burden on other sectors. Union president Davy Chiyobe says government should bring back the windfall or the mineral royalty tax for the country to benefit from the increased copper prices on the international market.

Mr. Chiyobe told ZANIS in an interview in Lusaka today ahead of Friday’s presentation of the 2012 national budget that the country needs to benefit from the copper sales which he says is the number one income earner by introducing the taxes.

He noted that Zambia has not benefited much from the copper mining industry adding that this has resulted in government charging the ordinary Zambians with high taxes.

Mr. Chiyobe said there is need for government to find resources to finance programmes like infrastructure development and improved conditions of service for public service workers.

He has since requested government to also reduce the pay as you earn-PAYE tax and also increase tax income threshold from one million to one point five million Kwacha.

Mr. Chiyobe explained that the PAYE which stands at 35 percent is too much and suggested that it be reduced to about 25 percent.

He has meanwhile asked government to set a date for the commencement of negotiations for improved conditions of services for public service workers.

The Civil Servants Union President said the current collective bargain ends by December 31, and that there is growing pressure especially from the general membership who want to see new negotiations commence.

He has since advised government to come out in the open and state their position regarding next year’s conditions of service for public service workers.


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