
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

(LUSAKATIMES) ZRA wants share of ‘Liato’s’ K2.1 bn

ZRA wants share of ‘Liato’s’ K2.1 bn
TIME PUBLISHED - Wednesday, November 30, 2011, 9:29 am

THE Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) is exploring ways through which it could tax the K2.1 billion investigative wings say they discovered at former Labour Minister, Austin Liato’s farm, last week.

ZRA Commissioner-General, Berlin Msiska, said in a statement yesterday that taxation did not consider whether income was from a legitimate source, such as a business, or not, but focused on the fact that income had been received by a person.

Mr. Msiska said that ZRA was, in this regard, interested in the various cases being investigated by the security wings such as “the case where money to the sum of K2.1 billion was discovered by investigative authorities.”

Mr Msiska said what was material was the fact that the income had been paid to, given or accrued to the person. He said this also applied to income that was, in any way, disposed of in accordance with a person’s order or in a person’s favour.

“We are mindful that tax avoidance and tax evasion culminate in several hindrances. Tax equity is not attained and invariably complying taxpayers have to pay taxes for those who are non-compliant. The Government is also deprived of the much needed resources that are required for developmental programmes,” he said.

Mr Msiska said ZRA would therefore work, at all times, within its mandate, with the security wings of the Government to ensure accountability regarding the payment of the correct taxes.

And Police say we have warned and cautioned him over K2.1bn. “We have enough reasons to arrest him, we will but for now we have warned and cautioned Mr Liato,” said Elizabeth Kanjela, police assistant commissioner after Austin Liato ended a more than 48 hour hide and seek game and handed himself to authorities. Mr Liato will remain in state custody until he appears in court.

Mr Liato arrived at the former task force offices at 15:00 hours yesterday in a white Land Cruiser VX registration No. ABX 5232 (tinted glasses) driven by his younger brother Steven with others who include former Western Province deputy minister Joseph Mulyata. He was dressed in a short sleeved blue and white shirt and looked calm. It was business as usual.

About 17:00 hours, he was driven in a police Nissan Hard Body van to his other house in Kalundu – not the location of the K2.1 billion – where another search was conducted from 17:40 hours up to 19:40 hours.
Mr Liato was then driven to Woodlands police station where he must have spent the night according to detention orders.

When asked to comment and Mr Liato said “I have no comment” in the presence of his lawyers from Mutemwa Chamber and Nelly Mutti from Lukona Chambers, both up-market firms of high repute and cost.

Investigators did not say what the “procedural” check found at his Kalundu house. Ms Kanjela from police, however, said – in addition to what the Inspector-General Martin Malama said – “police will continue with their investigations.”

Earlier, police questioned a woman from Kaoma, believed to be Mr Liato’s acquaintance but they did not explain the relationship. The woman arrived at the former task force offices around 09:00 hours and left four hours later.

She could have communicated frequently with the ‘K2 billion man’ from the time the money was discovered but police are not speaking.

Former permanent secretary Peter Mumba was also questioned by a combined team of law enforcement officers. Mr Mumba arrived at 11:00 hours and left at 12:40 hours for ‘talks’.

He said he had been requested to come to the former task force offices by law enforcement officers and was happy with the manner the discussions were held.

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