
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sata needs to leave a legacy on constitution - MMD official

Sata needs to leave a legacy on constitution - MMD official
By Edwin Mbulo in Choma
Sat 26 Nov. 2011, 11:59 CAT

MICHAEL Sata needs to leave a legacy of having been the only President to come up with a constitution that will stand the test of time, says an MMD Mbabala official. And Chileshe Mwamba says MMD leaders who are tainted with corrupt practices should not attempt to contest the party's presidency.

In an interview, Mwamba, who is MMD Mbabala Constituency chairman, said the PF should take a leaf from the MMD over the constitution-making process, especially over the 50 per cent plus one clause.

"The MMD tried to reject this 50+1 clause thinking that we would defeat the PF. But now if you look at the last election results and the so called pact of the MMD and UPND, we would have gone into a re-run and probably defeat Sata on the 50+1 clause," Mwamba said.

On the MMD leadership, Mwamba said leaders accused of abusing party campaign materials such as bicycles which should have been used by the MMD officials during the campaigns should not be entertained.

"People who are mentioned in corrupt practices should never think of ever contesting the MMD presidency. For instance, the issue of bicycles which should have been used by the people were found with leaders who now claim to be good leaders," Mwamba said.

He said the so-called UPND-MMD pact only existed in the minds of a few top leaders in the two opposition political parties and through the press.

"If we are not careful the MMD will just be members of parliament without any grassroots levels," Mwamba said.

"If you look at what is happening in Magoye, Nakonde and other areas where there are ward by-elections, we as the MMD are being viewed as people who are corrupt. Even the so-called pact, we are not informed of what is going on the Magoye campaigns. I personally put my prediction on a PF victory."

He said the PF should be wary of the people that are defecting to the ruling party as they are ones who tainted the MMD with corruption.

Mwamba added that the MMD in Mbabala was re-organising itself in readiness for the 2016 general elections.

"…As of now, the MMD will support any form of anti-corruption fight embarked on by President Sata," said Mwamba.

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