Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sisala files for divorce

Sisala files for divorce
By Maluba Jere
Sun 27 Nov. 2011, 12:00 CAT

FORMER Zesco managing director Rhodnie Sisala has asked the Lusaka High Court to dissolve his marriage of four years to Eunice Mutinta Haambote Sisala, saying it had broken down irretrievably.

In a petition for dissolution of marriage pursuant to Section 8 and 9 (1) (b) of the matrimonial causes Act, Act number 20 0f 2007 and filed in the High Court, Sisala wants the court to dissolve the marriage because Haambote had behaved in such a way that he could not reasonably be expected to live with her.

According to the petition, Sisala and Haambote were lawfully married at the office of the registrar in Lusaka on November 9, 2007.

He stated that after the marriage, he and Haambote lived at Plot number 488a 11A Twin palm road Kabulonga.

Sisala is an electrical engineer by profession while Hambote is an accountant as well as a pastor at a named church.

He claimed that Haambote had made allegations to the effect that Sisala and his parents practiced witchcraft and accused him and his family of having killed his first wife and were now contemplating killing her.

Sisala further said Haambote often accused him and his family of being Satanists and that in the same vein, in April 2011, while he was away on business, his wife invited two "prophets' from South Africa who stayed at their matrimonial home for several days without his knowledge or consent.

He also alleges that in the same month, his wife accused him sleeping with his niece who he said is a child of the family.

Sisala said his wife's accusations traumatized the niece and caused him severe mental anguish.

He added that sometime this year, his wife left home and only went back several days later in the company of a named man who dropped her near their home.

Sisala said his wife laid false charges of assault against him which led to him being arrested but later released on police bond and ordered to be reporting to the police every week.

He said the said matter never went to court because his wife failed to furnish the police with enough evidence to prosecute.

Sisala stated that he asked several members of the family as well as the church to help resolve the matter amicably but that his wife refused to attend any of the meetings.

He said both he and his wife have had several meetings with senior family members to try and reconcile them or resolve their matrimonial problems but that these have all been unsuccessful.

Sisala added that he and his wife had been living on separation since March 2010 and prayed that the court dissolves the marriage and that each party should bear their own costs.
The matter comes up for hearing on December 9.

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