Tuesday, November 22, 2011

(TALKZIMBABWE) PM Tsvangirai pays US$30,000 lobola

PM Tsvangirai pays US$30,000 lobola
Posted by By Our reporter at 22 November, at 00 : 43 AM

MDC-T leader and Prime Minister in the inclusive Government, Morgan Tsvangirai, yesterday paid US$36 000 lobola for his new wife Locadia Tembo at a traditional ceremony witnessed by over 200 people, The Herald newspaper reported Tuesday.

The PM (59) had been linked to several women, but finally settled for the 39-year-old Harare businesswoman for whom he paid the lobola at her father’s plot in Christon Bank. The marriage follows the death of the PM’s first wife Susan in a car accident in 2009.

PM Tsvangirai paid 10 cattle for Ms Tembo that were delivered to the in-laws as part of the package yesterday.

He was also charged five cattle at US$400 per beast.

Tembo is a sister to Zanu-PF legislator for Goromonzi Biata Beatrice Nyamupinga.

A visit by The Herald to the Tembo residence in Christon Bank established that the PM had indeed paid lobola.

Tembo’s relatives were gathered by late evening and confirmed that Tsvangirai had brought some of his relatives for the ceremony.

Tembo’s aunt, Felistas Tsine, said her cousin finally sealed the marriage deal with the PM.

She said a wedding was in the offing, although dates were yet to be decided. Sources said the wedding bells could be as early as next month.

Tsine said the Tembo family was excited to have the PM as a son-in-law.

Tembo was born in 1972 at Chinotimba Hospital in Victoria Falls when her father worked for a transport company in the resort town.

She attended Queen Elizabeth High School in Harare before enrolling at Speciss College for a Diploma in Business Management.

She is a commodity broker who supplies goods to several chain stores in Harare and South Africa and is the fifth born in a family of six, four girls and two boys and has one child, a 16-year old boy, from a previous marriage.

Tembo last year appeared in public accompanying PM Tsvangirai at Joyce Meyer’s Festival of Life Conference in Harare.

Sources said Tsvangirai and Locadia first met in South Africa at the Oliver Tambo International Airport last year.

There were rumours at one time that the PM had married the sister of his late wife, Leah Mhundwa.

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