
Saturday, November 26, 2011

UPND should consider marrying many Bemba women - Sampa

UPND should consider marrying many Bemba women - Sampa
By Chiwoyu Sinyangwe
Sat 26 Nov. 2011, 12:00 CAT

THE United Party for National Development should consider marrying many Bemba women if they want to produce a Tonga Zambian President, says Lusaka Province minister Miles Sampa. And Sampa says there is need to guard against tribal and ethnic politics.

Contributing to the debate on the 2012 national budget, Sampa who is also Patriotic Front Matero member of parliament said demographic distribution favoured Bemba ethnic grouping to be in the majority.

"According to the Central Statistic Office records, there are 6.5 million Bembas in Zambia, representing 55 per cent of the total population and 1.6 million Tongas, representing 12 per cent of population in Zambia," Sampa said.

"This does not mean Bembas are superior over any of the other 72 tribes. It just means that statistically and using the laws of averages, laws of probability, under a normal distribution curve, one is likely to find more Bembas in any set up or grouping in Zambia. It also means that for a Tonga to become a President, they would need support from the Bembas. I regard myself a Tonga from Kalomo where I grew up and Mr Speaker, the UPND should consider marrying many Bemba women."

Sampa denounced politics of tribalism and ethnic inclinations.

"I appeal to Honourable members and all Zambians to guard against tribal and ethnic politics," said Sampa.

"The people that point fingers have two fingers pointing at them. All tribes are equal in Zambia. We are one ZambiaMr Speaker we are on, one nation....leaders of a certain small party and their several spokespersons go on paid-up radio stations where the first and second callers are the same daily, preaching hate, more so, against one tribe you love to hate; the tribe they call Bemba. e Zambia, one nation."

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