
Friday, December 23, 2011

Beyond 90 Days, A nationalists perspective for Zambia

Beyond 90 Days, A nationalists perspective for Zambia
TIME PUBLISHED - Friday, December 23, 2011, 7:29 am
By E.Katyoka

90 days have passed since the PF ascended to power after a resounding victory that gave it a five year mandate and unseated a confident MMD from its 20 year rule. The jury is still out whether the MMD will revive and regain its ‘glory’ or like UNIP, pass on into oblivion.

Five years is a long time in politics, leaders and indeed political formations are yet to be born.

Notwithstanding 2011 will go down as one of the most remarkable years in Zambian history. Either as the year when Zambians finaly got the government they had waited for,elected the long awaited ‘Moses’ to take the Nation into the promised land, and veritably implimented ” Mwanawasa legacy reloaded”
or, it will be the beginning of the worst years of the Zambian expedition. The undoing of a nation.

Much of how things will turn out rests squarely on the shoulders of one. His excellency Michael Chilufya Sata. To any casual observer of Zambian politics it is clear that the 2011 Elections seem to have fractured the facade of a Zambian Nationalism.

The Nation undertook the most divisive bitterly contested Election in modern history. The Nation voted, and Ethnic nationalism like a vampire reared its head again and Zambian Nationalism like humpty dumpty shatterd into a thousand pieces.

It is yet to be seen whether the stitches of political state craft can re-assemble a semblance of a Zambian Nationalism to which all the ‘Ethnic Nationals’ of this country can subscribe to; without reservations.

Two options remain; Either we accept the ethnic nationalist sentiment as something that has come to stay and pragmatically begin to say ” one Zambia many ‘Ethnic’ Nations – unity in diversity” or Embrace a higher Nationalism…an African Nationalism, driven by the commonness of our African heritage ‘Ubuntu’. A Nationalism that embraces the common humanity of all races, tribes and tongues and seeks as its goal the redemption of the continent from the evils of tribalism, conflict, corporate greed,corruption, cronyism and resource colonialism brought about by the new scramble for Africa.

A nationalism that will not be driven by color,tribe or narrow sectarian considerations but one driven by the urgency of the cause of the suffering masses. That Africa, the continent of the great pyramids will one day rise up to fulfil the scripture Psalm 68:31 “Princes shall come out of Egypt; Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God.” For the Earth earnestly awaits the manifestation of the sons of God

My prayer is that Zambia may remain one sovereign indivisible country. That while the rest of the world is moving towards regional intergration, we may not allow the balkanisation of our peoples who have long lived side by side for millennia under the commonness of our shared humanity: ‘ubuntu’ long live Zambia.

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