
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Church will always speak on political matters, says Fr Mwanamwalye

Church will always speak on political matters, says Fr Mwanamwalye
By Mwala Kalaluka
Wed 28 Dec. 2011, 13:56 CAT

THOSE who think the Church will keep quiet on political matters are just deceiving themselves, says Fr Gabriel Mwanamwalye. Commenting on Kabwe Diocese Bishop Clement Mulenga's statement yesterday that the Church cannot avoid being political because it stands for the truth, Fr Mwanamwalye, the Chongwe Catholic Parish priest, said the Church will always speak on political matters because this is part and parcel of its mission for the people.

"Bishop Mulenga is a clergyman and he looks at the life of the human being holistically, physically and spiritually. If they people come to church on empty stomachs, they won't receive the word of God. Physical life and spiritual life influence each other. And looking at the life of Jesus Christ, he did not just concentrate on the spiritual life of the human being, also the physical. The Church will always preach to the people according to the situation prevailing," Fr Mwanamwalye.

"There is no clear-cut dichotomy between spiritual life and physical life. The bishop Mulenga saw what is happening in society today. He is acting like the good shepherd, Jesus Christ himself.

Of course what he said is a political statement but he is not a politician. The Church is not partisan but it will speak on political matters…When we are affected politically, we will speak."

Fr Mwanamwalye said the Church will not leave the people suffering without commenting on their plight.

"When we look at the plunder that has affected our country today, this corruption which is there is usually done by politicians and if we keep quiet, we are betraying our mission on earth," said Fr Mwanamwalye.

In an interview recently, Bishop Mulenga said his new job as bishop of the Kabwe Diocese was a new experience but that his motto of 'love until it hurts' would be his guiding principle.

"There is no way you can avoid talking about politics, life is also very political. I think it is important that the Church is involved because we live here on earth and somehow we have a contribution to make to improve our lives and that of our people. The Church is there and it stands for the truth for the benefit of humanity; that is the point," said Bishop Mulenga.

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