
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Do not tamper with Christian nation declaration - Miyanda

Do not tamper with Christian nation declaration - Miyanda
By Abigail Sitenge
Sat 31 Dec. 2011, 13:54 CAT

NOBODY, including the technical committee to draft a new constitution, should tamper with the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation, says Heritage Party president Brigadier General Godfrey Miyanda.

Speaking to journalists after the 20th anniversary of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation, Brig Gen Miyanda (left) urged Christians never to be ashamed about the declaration.

He said Christians should never be ashamed to confess Jesus Christ as Lord over Zambia because that was the purpose of the Christian nation declaration.

"As far as I am concerned, nobody should tamper with it, this is a wrong forum. I will talk about the constitution making on another forum but today (Thursday) I am saying no one must tamper with it, not even what they've called the technical committee which personally I don't agree with," he said.

And in his New Year's message, Brig Gen Miyanda urged the new government to look into the interests of the people.

"I hope the government will look after the interest of the people and to us the politicians, I have seen a lot of deceit, a lot lies in the politics of our nation. I hope that the New Year will be different. Nobody must promise things they can't do, if you can't do it, don't promise it, that's my message," he said.

Brig Gen Miyanda also warned young people against drinking alcohol during the festive period.

Speaking during the commemoration, Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia executive director Reverend Pukuta Mwanza said corruption was one of the worst forms of crime that had badly ruined the moral fibre of the country.

He said corruption had become so deeply rooted in the hearts of selfish and greedy persons, among them leaders in public office.

Rev Mwanza said the Church supported the government's commitment and that of law enforcement agencies in fighting corruption because it would protect the country's resources.

"The constitution-making process is an important undertaking in our country because it is a basis for accountability and good governance. May I correct the notion that seems to fill the general public that our primary interest in the constitution-making process is only the declaration clause. To the contrary, we are interested in the entire constitution; we want a good constitution just like every Zambian," said Rev Mwanza.

On Thursday, several church leaders, political party leaders and government representatives gathered to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Lusaka.

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