
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Enjoy Christmas responsibly - KK

Enjoy Christmas responsibly - KK
By Brighton Phiri
Sun 25 Dec. 2011, 14:00 CAT

DR Kenneth Kaunda has asked young Zambians to enjoy Christmas responsibly. In his Christmas message, Dr Kaunda, who is in Abuja, Nigeria asked Zambians to give thanks to God who made it possible for them to have President Sata as their leader.

He appealed to all Zambians to give the President all the support for him to lead the country on the basis of love.

"Fellow Zambians, as this great day comes, Christmas Day, we rejoice and give thanks to God our creator, He has made it possible for us to have Michael Chilufya Sata as President of the Republic of Zambia," said Dr Kaunda.

"It is my appeal to all Zambians who love our country, east to west, north to south, to give him all the support so that he can continue to lead Zambia the way he has started on the basis of "Love God your creator with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength. As to the one (Jesus Christ) He has made in his image like you and me, He has taught us to ‘Love thy neighbour as thy self'. That is to say… do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

Dr Kaunda reminded Zambians that it was God's commandments that produced the country's unity slogan "One Zambia, One Nation".

"Let us continue to pray that the good Lord God Almighty will help us observe this great teaching that produced ‘One Zambia, One Nation' that has led to the unity, peace and harmony that we so cherish and continue to enjoy," said Dr Kaunda. "

Dr Kaunda further reminded young Zambians that the country's future was in their hands and that they needed to keep the nation united on the basis of the Lord's teachings.

"May I end by making a special appeal to all young Zambians that the message I have sent above is especially for them. Enjoy Christmas responsibly. Do not indulge in reckless behaviour that will ruin your future. Remember you are the future of Zambia. Zambia's future is in your hands," he said.

Dr Kaunda urged Zambians to always work to keep the unity.

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