
Friday, December 09, 2011

Exploit cassava's potential - Kapaya

Exploit cassava's potential - Kapaya
By Henry Sinyangwe
Fri 09 Dec. 2011, 12:25 CAT

AGRICULTURE and livestock deputy minister Brigadier General Benson Kapaya says cassava has potential to contribute to the country's economic growth if well exploited.

Speaking during the launch of the cassava day yesterday, Kapaya said the activity was critical for the implementation plan which attempts to bring together all the major chain actors across the country to showcase the potential of cassava.

Zambia should exploit the full potential for cassava to give income to the farmer, create employment for our people in order to contribute to the economic growth of our country, he said.

He said the government placed the agriculture sector as a lead driver of the economy, hence it must put emphasis on the sector.

Kapaya said cassava's potential was not fully developed as it was assumed to be a poor man's crop.

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