
Friday, December 02, 2011

(HERALD) Biti budget gives false picture: President

Biti budget gives false picture: President
Friday, 02 December 2011 00:00
Herald Reporter

President Mugabe hands over computers to Malcolm Tafira (right) and Ropafadzo Dambire of Eaglesvale High School while their teacher Mrs Lucia Chiwara looks on at Zanu-PF Headquarters in Harare yesterday. The President was impressed by the school’s choir at the launch of the Schweppes Employee Share Trust on Wednesday and offered them computers

PRESIDENT Mugabe yesterday lashed out at Finance Minister Tendai Biti for coming up with a national budget that is full of hope, but difficult to implement. He made the remarks while addressing the Zanu-PF Central Committee meeting at the party's headquarters in Harare.

"The recent budget, some say it has a better allocation for agriculture, but it is only figures, it is realisation that matters.

"So the inflation of figures (in the budget) is meant to generate hope . . . that is a false picture because those figures will not be met at the end. Well, that is the result of the inclusive Government. The result of our poor performance in the 2008 election," President Mugabe said.

The Head of State and Government and Commander- in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, said in his budget last year, Minister Biti failed to release funds to some ministries despite giving them such resources on paper.

President Mugabe said discord in the inclusive Government on policy issues made it imperative for the country to go for elections next year.

He gave an example of agriculture, saying the MDC formations were reluctant to fund the sector as evidenced by the failure by Minister Biti to release funds to the Grain Marketing Board to pay farmers for grain delivered.

"We are worried because there is no unanimity in that Government. On the financing of agriculture for example, we would want farmers to be well-funded but others (MDC formations) are not as serious minded as we are," President Mugabe said.

He described yesterday's Central Committee meeting as critical as it prepared Zanu-PF for its 11th Annual National People's Conference set for Bulawayo next week.

"It is a critical meeting that we should prepare for adequately since it is the last such conference before we go for general elections.

"The forthcoming conference more or less has the same status as our five-year congress," President Mugabe said.

He said the conference should therefore prepare Zanu-PF for the general elections and urged the Central Committee members to articulate party policies like the indigenisation and economic empowerment to the grassroots.

The policy seeks to economically empower the once marginalised indigenous people by acquiring at least 51 percent shareholding in foreign-owned companies.

President Mugabe branded the inclusive Government "illegal and unconstitutional" saying individuals in the Sadc-brokered political arrangement were not elected into their offices and do not have the people's mandate.

He said Zanu-PF was not in a position to implement policies that benefit the people because of lack of cohesion in the inclusive Government.

The President said going for elections was the only alternative left, but noted that the MDC formations were opposed to the ballot.

President Mugabe said he expected Copac to complete the drafting of a new constitution within a month and pave the way for elections.

"We look forward to the conference in Bulawayo succeeding. We as the Central Committee have to ensure that it succeeds and produces a result that is resoundingly revolutionary. A result that enhances our national sovereignty," President Mugabe said.

Earlier, President Mugabe had donated 20 computers to Eaglesvale School in Harare at a function held at the Zanu-PF headquarters.

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