
Thursday, December 22, 2011

(HERALD) Canada wants Zim to trade its diamonds

Canada wants Zim to trade its diamonds
Thursday, 22 December 2011 00:00
Takunda Maodza Senior Reporter

CANADA says it is comfortable with Zimbabwe trading in its Marange gems as the move will strengthen the global diamond industry.

In an interview with journalists yesterday at State House in Harare after presenting her credentials to President Mugabe, new Canadian ambassador Lisa Stadelbauer said her country had no problems with endorsing the sale of diamonds from Zimbabwe.

"We are quite pleased with the arrangement," she said. "We take the KP seriously and it is important to have a strong diamond industry."

Ambassador Stadelbauer said Canada was among countries that endorsed the KP decision allowing Zimbabwe to sell her diamonds at a meeting held recently in the DRC.

Canada is a US ally and was among countries that were advocating for a ban on the export of the Marange diamonds, citing claims of human rights abuses at Chiadzwa.

Only last week, Washington slammed Mbada Diamonds and Marange Resources, two of the major diamond mining companies in Marange, with sanctions in a bid to frustrate Government's efforts to turn around the economy.

The West fears allowing Zimbabwe to freely trade in her diamonds would render useless its illegal sanctions on Harare.

Three other ambassadors from Egypt, Angola and Japan presented their credentials to President Mugabe yesterday.

New Egyptian ambassador to Zimbabwe Mr Bassam Khalil, deployed by the Mohamed Hussein Tantawi led administration in Cairo, pledged to further political and economic ties with Zimbabwe.

Ambassador Khalil said discussions centred on strengthening the already excellent relations between the two countries.

"We had a good meeting with President Mugabe. He is well informed about the situation in Egypt. We discussed ways to enhance bilateral relations," he said.

Ambassador Khalil stressed the need to improve trade between Harare and Cairo, saying the level of business between the two countries was not satisfying.

"There are a lot of things that can be done. We have excellent relations that should be translated to economic levels," ambassador Khalil said.

He said Egyptians were keen to invest in agriculture and mining in Zimbabwe.

On the volatile political situation in his country, ambassador Bassam said: "We have a transitional situation in Egypt. We hope this will be over soon.

"We had a major revolution in Egypt and when a revolution of that magnitude occurs we have a period of instability."

New Angolan ambassador to Zimbabwe Mr Pedro Hendrick Vaal Neto said his meeting with President Mugabe analysed the level of co-operation between Luanda and Harare.

"We think that bilateral co-operation should be increased. Both countries have potential and we should find areas we should develop more," he said.

"Zimbabwe and Angola are very close friends and we want to make that friendship closer and effective."

The Japanese ambassador Mr Yonezo Fukuda pledged more developmental assistance to Zimbabwe.

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