
Saturday, December 10, 2011

(HERALD) In the name of the Lord Most High . . . Let Zimbabwe go!

In the name of the Lord Most High . . . Let Zimbabwe go!
Wednesday, 07 December 2011 00:00

Prophet Enoch Immanuel Amanor Agbozo of the Enoch Missions, a world missionary outreach movement operating in Africa, Europe, the United States of America, with headquarters in Accra, Ghana was in Zimbabwe recently. He came to Zimbabwe from Botswana and preached and taught in Bulawayo before proceeding to Harare. After Zimbabwe, he took his message to South Africa.

Prophet Enoch also heads the Africa Redemption Mission (ARM) project - "a special project aimed at the reconciliation, deliverance, redemption and restoration of glory to Africa under the Kingdom of God and His Christ".

He says that he is a servant of God commissioned as an Apostle-Prophet by Jesus Christ and God the Father to the church and nations of the world; a voice of God in human and world affairs in the end-times; and, his commission is to "blow the trumpet" and proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God, to establish Christ's government and kingdom in the nations, heralding and preparing the way for the second coming of Jesus Christ.

He is also a prolific writer and defender of the Christian faith. One of his pieces, "Let Zimbabwe go!" was published in The Ghanaian Observer newspaper on January 19, 2009.
Below is the full article, reproduced with permission from the author:
"We write in the name of the Lord God Most High a message to the United Kingdom and the United States of America: Let Zimbabwe go!

We have it of Jehovah the Creator of Heaven and earth to tell Africa and the world at large that the Zimbabwe tragedy is not the making of President Mugabe, whatever his weaknesses and mistakes.

That, it is rather the doing of Britain and America which are working to wring life out of Zimbabwe so as to cause Zimbabwe to remain captive in the colonial imperialist rapist ring.

Before going further, let us relate yet another message from the Lord God Jehovah which also has a bearing on the Zimbabwe tragedy. The message is addressed to foreigners and settlers in South Africa.

This is the message from Jehovah. The time has come for foreigners and settlers in South Africa first to thank Him God the Creator for Africa, second, to thank Africa for Africa and third to bless Africa.

The message implies simply that Jehovah God the Creator is declaring that it is time for foreigners and settlers in Africa benefiting from the treasures and wealth of Africa - land, forest products, crops, animal heritage, mineral wealth, labour and market, etc, etc of Southern Africa and Africa as a whole to thank him Jehovah and Africa for her treasures, hospitality and sacrifices towards the good of foreigners and foreign lands and the world at large over the centuries.

The truth is that Africa has made and continues to make immense contributions and sacrifices towards the good and well-being of foreigners and foreign lands.

The time has now come for both the settlers and their "home" countries to appreciate this and to go out to thank God for the treasures of Africa.

It is time for Europe and America in particular to show gratitude and go out to BLESS AFRICA.

It is in this vein that we suggest people must understand and view the message LET ZIMBABWE GO!

It is time for Britain and America in particular to stop the old standing colonial-imperialist racism in Zimbabwe and the oppression of her peoples.

It is time to break the structured poverty, non-dignifying status and low standing livelihood of the black indigenous people of Zimbabwe in their God-given land.

For example, a cursory glance of the economic structure and social standing of the people of Zimbabwe may well reveal a lop-sided structure in favour of the white settler community and foreigners as against the large block of black community, even if both communities are deemed and treated as rightful citizens of Zimbabwe.

It may be apparent in this respect that the political-economy of southern Africa as a whole is of a nature that has historically determined and limited openings for social mobility for the indigenous black Africans. The colonial imperialist and apartheid systems have kind of created openings only in politics and to a lesser extent the professions and commerce for the black peoples.

That has reduced or is it condemned black community to the worker or wage earner status. In short, colour-class stratification is the reality being embedded.
It is here that land ownership is a serious and vexed question in a place such as Zimbabwe, which is essentially a great agrarian economy.

The black peoples of Zimbabwe have little or no chance to own and create capital from the land.

Not only that, they have little or no chance to develop skills in agronomy, provide food from their own farms for themselves such as in the case of Ghana and other African countries.

The land ownership structure and the plantation factory-type agricultural production system have combined to entrench the condemnation of the black peoples to factory-worker status, poverty, low incomes and low level of living in their own God given land.

It will take a change in land tenure system, deliberate and conscious education system and long period of practice and experience for black peoples to produce their own food, raise production levels for the market, domestic and foreign, and build up capital even when the state intervenes with land redistribution.

Though we are not fully apprised about the Zimbabwe economy, it is obvious that Zimbabwe does not have the indigenous Ghana type farmer who owns land, controls and sells his own produce - cocoa, food crop, livestock - which also can form the basis for capital formation, wealth creation, and above all sustained food production and livelihood.

It is here that Britain and America whose citizens or kith and kin own the lands, farms and factories and on the whole control the Zimbabwe economy feel threatened by the nationalist-socialist agenda of President Mugabe.

It is their bid to stop the Mugabe state intervention and economic transformation agenda that is primarily responsible for the Zimbabwe tragedy.

One does not know, for example whether the owners of the tabocco and other farms and factories are resident citizens of Zimbabwe or foreign arm-chair capitalists whose interest in the Zimbabwe economy has nothing to do with loyalty to the nation and commitment to the well-being, advancement and progress of the Zimbabwe people and economy as a whole.

In this respect, one can feel safe to conjecture about the presence of the dirty and dark finger of imperialist manipulation in politics in general and the current political stalemate in particular.

The intransigence on the part of the contesting personalities and parties can be the by-product if not the direct result of the foreign imperialist political manipulations.

We end here by stating that the UK-USA alliance in their effort to remove President Mugabe will not succeed.

[Mr Obama]

Mr Obama
But even if it does succeed, with or without connivance in the political, military and religious arena, Britain and America cannot feel free regarding the blood and deaths, suffering and pain of the people and collapse of Zimbabwe.

They have an account to give to the Lord God Jehovah and the people of Zimbabwe and Africa as a whole for the suffering and deaths of the people and the collapse of the economy.
In doing so, Britain and America should refer not only to their conscience, if at all, but to the historical facts and realities of Zimbabwe.

May we seize this opportunity to appeal to the peoples of good will around the globe to pray for the peace and healing of Zimbabwe.
Soon, the Most High God will cause a special rain to pour down to heal the land and bring hope and laughter to (the) people and (the) nation.
The message of the Most High is LET ZIMBABWE GO!

The foreigners and settler communities must take note.
We trust Prime Minister (Gordon) Brown and President (Barack) Obama will heed the voice of God, order and supervise the dismantling of the political and economic siege and the "whipping boy" stance of Europe and America against Zimbabwe. Europe and America must cease from treating Africa as the "dumping ground" and the "whipping boy" for Europe and America.

Africa must be free. God bless Africa!

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