
Monday, December 05, 2011

(HERALD) US ambassador defends Tsvangirai

COMMENT - I wonder why the US government is defending the head of the opposition party of Zimbabwe (who also is the Prime Minister).

US ambassador defends Tsvangirai
Monday, 05 December 2011 00:00
Herald Reporter

United States Ambassador to Zimbabwe Mr Charles Ray has sprung to the defence of embattled MDC-T leader Mr Morgan Tsvangirai telling Zimbabweans not to debate the Prime Minister's private life after he married and divorced Ms Locadia Karimatsenga Tembo within 12 days.

Ms Karimatsenga, who is still at PM Tsvangirai's Buhera home, is believed to be pregnant. Ambassador Ray was quoted in the media over the weekend saying PM Tsvangirai's private life would not affect his performance in Government.

"You cannot judge his performance in government because of his personal life. People should not spend time discussing about his personal life as it will divert us from pertinent issues on the country's economic development," Ambassador Ray was quoted as saying.

"If we really want to discuss about his personal life lets also scrutinise personal lives of all other leaders of this country," he added.

But political analyst Professor Jonathan Moyo, yesterday said PM Tsvangirai was not a private citizen, but a public official accountable to the people of Zimbabwe.

"Ray should not poke his nose in our public life. Has he become Tsvangirai's ambassador?" Prof Moyo said.

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