
Friday, December 16, 2011

(HERALD) Villagers seek US$10 million to revitalise irrigation scheme

Villagers seek US$10 million to revitalise irrigation scheme
Friday, 16 December 2011 00:00
Masvingo Bureau

VILLAGERS in Charumbira communal lands in Masvingo are appealing to Government to provide US$10 million for the rehabilitation of a heavily silted dam that supplies water to Mushandike Irrigation Scheme.

At least 1 000 plotholders at the irrigation scheme, which was established soon after independence, were recently left in limbo after Mushandike Dam virtually dried up owing to accumulation of silt.

Besides the excessive siltation of Mushandike Dam along Mushandike River, water conveyance infrastructure at the irrigation scheme is in a dilapidated state.
Most canals have broken down resulting in the loss of water before it reaches the fields.
The irrigation scheme is also the only source of food security in Masvingo district.
"We appeal to the powers that be to do something urgently because there is no future for us anymore as we used to rely on this irrigation project in terms of food security,'' said Mrs Emma Mashawi from Village 13 in Mushandike.
Another plotholder at the scheme, Mr Andrew Matehwe from Village 14, said the collapse of Mushandike Irrigation Scheme would leave the area without any economic activity.
"Our lives have always revolved around this irrigation scheme and its demise is really a sad development,'' he said.
Chief Fortune Charumbira said Mushandike had always been the lifeblood of people in Charumbira communal lands not only as a source of food security, but also economically.
"Villagers used to sell their crops, supplying even Masvingo City with green produce to get money for school fees and other things; so there is really great need to keep the irrigation scheme in a good working state,'' he said.
Masvingo Rural District Council chairman Mr Clemence Makwarimba said the collapse of Mushandike Irrigation Scheme would be a disaster in Masvingo district.
He appealed to the Government to urgently provide funding for irrigation scheme to save it from total collapse.

1 comment:

  1. I hope that this goes through. Usable water for crops and land is so important. Especially for a society that is trying to survive.
