
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Investigative agencies must be proactive, says Mutesa

Investigative agencies must be proactive, says Mutesa
By Bright Mukwasa
Thu 22 Dec. 2011, 13:54 CAT

INVESTIGATIVE agencies must be proactive and not wait for instructions from President Michael Sata to exploit leads of investigations as revealed by the Auditor General's report, says Zambians for Empowerment and Development presdent Dr Fred Mutesa. In an interview, Dr Mutesa said there was need to make the law regarding impropriety stronger.

"The Auditor General's report on the operations of the parastatals is out. Mr Inspector General of Police Dr Martin Malama, madam director general of ACC Rosewin Wandi, madam commissioner of DEC Alita Mbahwe, what are you doing about these clear cases of defrauding the public? What are they doing? Do they have to wait for the head of state President Michael Sata to give them instructions?" wondered Dr Mutesa.

"They should take responsibility. If we have to wait for the head of state to give them instructions, we will soon be accusing him of interfering in the operations of the autonomous agencies. They should move without being told what to do."

Dr Mutesa said it was disheartening to see cases of abuse of resources by officers go unpunished.

"We need to change the law because in some countries, I think Pakistan must be one of them, when the Auditor General is presenting the report to the public accounts committee, the director of public prosecutions, and the police will all be there so that immediately they finish appropriate action is taken. They don't need any probing from outside because they know these are prosecutable cases and they have to begin the process," he said.

Dr Mutesa said currently, Parliament would summon controlling officers who basically acquit themselves of the wrongdoings and make the Auditor General Anna Chifungula look like she did not do a thorough job.

He urged civil society, the Church and opposition political parties to apply public pressure on investigative wings for them to start acting on the Auditor General's report.

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