
Monday, December 19, 2011

Ireland advises government to keep improving accountability

Ireland advises government to keep improving accountability
By Masuzyo Chakwe
Mon 19 Dec. 2011, 13:57 CAT

IRISH Ambassador to Zambia Tony Cotter has urged the government to continue improving and strengthening public financial management and procurement systems to ensure accountability and aid effectiveness.

Ambassador Cotter said while Ireland was satisfied with the way its aid had been used to date, measures should continue to be taken by the government to improve and strengthen public financial management and procurement systems to ensure that the poorest and most vulnerable benefit from Zambia's economic growth.

Ambassador Cotter said Ireland would provide an estimated 17 million Euros (K112,918,796,316.27) to Zambia in aid for 2011 and a similar level of budget was planned for 2012.

He said currently, his country was in the process of developing the next Country Strategic Programme for Zambia, which was planned to run for five years from 2012 to 2017.

Ambassador Cotter said Ireland's future support to Zambia would focus on poverty reduction, particularly among the most vulnerable groups of women and children.

He observed that despite the positive economic growth the country had experienced in the recent years, Zambia still remained one of the poorest
countries in the world.

"This is an indication that the gains in economic growth have not translated into real poverty reduction for the majority of ordinary citizens and particularly those living in rural areas. It is important that the government continues to manage the macro economy efficiently and effectively and that we see an increasingly equitable allocation of the growing Zambian economic dividend going forward," he said.

Ambassador Cotter also welcomed the new government's intention to enact a new constitution as a good constitution was the fundamental bedrock for good governance.

On the fight against corruption, he said Ireland was pleased to hear the consistent and particularly strong anti-corruption statements being made by the new government.

However, Ambassador Cotter said it was essential that these statements be accompanied by resolute actions and measures to adequately resource anti-corruption agencies and to improve and strengthen public financial management and procurement systems.

He also welcomed the pro-poor intentions of the 2012 budget, including the significant expenditure increases across social sectors.

Ambassador Cotter said it was essential to see effective and efficient implementation of the budgetary targets.

"We look forward to seeing continuing effective management of the macro economy and a more equitable allocation of the growing economic dividend which should benefit all Zambians," said Ambassador Cotter.

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