
Saturday, December 03, 2011

Judge PM on performance: US envoy

COMMENT - Judge Morgan Tsvangirai on his performance in parliament? And why is the US ambassador going to bat for the head of the MDC?

Judge PM on performance: US envoy
03/12/2011 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

UNITED States Ambassador to Zimbabwe Charles Ray has weighed into the ‘marriage’ controversy surrounding Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, insisting the MDC-T leader should only be judged on his performance in government. Speaking to Radio VOP in Bulawayo, Ray said Tsvangirai’s personal life which has nothing to do with his public performance as country’s premier.

“You cannot judge his performance in government because of his personal life. People should not spent time discussing about his personal life as it will divert us from really pertinent issues on the country’s economic development,” said Ray.

Ray added: “If we really want to discuss about his personal life lets also scrutinise personal lives of all other leaders of this country.”

Tsvangirai was reported to have married Locardia Karimatsenga Tembo – who is said to be pregnant with their twins – only for the MDC-T leader to later issue a statement saying he was ending the relationship.

Blaming interference by the media and state security agents Tsvangirai said: “My genuine intention has been betrayed and hearts have had to search long and hard to the true meaning of this well-choreographed drama that has now been hijacked to cause political damage on my person and character.

“Since the day I sent a delegation to the Karimatsenga family, everything has been played in the press and I have become an innocent bystander in what is supposed to be my relationship.

“This has led me to conclude that there is a greater and thicker plot around this issue which has undermined my confidence in this relationship.”

Tsvangirai has six children with his late wife Susan, who was killed in a car accident in 2009, and is also believed to have fathered a boy named Ethan with a 23-year-old Bulawayo woman in March.

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