
Thursday, December 01, 2011

Letters - Investor confidence

Investor confidence
By Pepino C Kashishi
Tue 29 Nov. 2011, 13:00 CAT


I refer to the editorial comment in the Saturday Post of November 26, 2011 on the ongoing enquiry into the Zamtel sale.

I have been wondering, ever since reading former VP Kunda's comments on the Zamtel sale inquiry, how any investor confidence could be lost over efforts to recover a stolen public property like Zamtel! How?

Zamtel was literally stolen from Zambians through a murky transaction by a few greedy Zambians with whom we had entrusted the leadership of this country in league with their equally greedy foreign friends.

Investigating this murky transaction and reversing it with possible punishment for the culprits would in fact increase investor confidence, exactly the way you put it.

With the personalisation and abuse of state institutions that we witnessed under the MMD government and especially under RB, one cannot help but shudder to think what would have become of this country if MMD had won the September's elections.

With the daily offloading, in the public domain, of scandalous cases of impunity in the management of our resources by the MMD government since losing power, one is left with no alternative but to conclude that had Rupiah been given an additional mandate over the three years given to him by virtue of the demise of Levy Mwanawasa, Zambia would definitely have been pushed over the cliff, dead and buried in a sea of abuse of power, resources and unbridled corruption!

Shimwapusukeni Zambia!

All well-meaning Zambians should, therefore, support President Sata and his PF government and urge them not to waver in their resolve to rid this country of impunity in public governance and if in doing so it will involve cancelling or reversing certain dubious decisions made by the defeated corrupt MMD government, so be it.

No investor confidence, foreign or local, can ever be lost by correcting wrong decisions that were deliberately made to rob this country and its people of their resources!

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