
Friday, December 30, 2011

(LUSAKATIMES) Foreign investment threatened under PF Government-HH

Foreign investment threatened under PF Government-HH
TIME PUBLISHED - Friday, December 30, 2011, 6:51 pm

United Party for National Development UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema has charged that foreign investment is threatened under the leadership of the Patriotic Front. Mr. Hichilema says President Sata has since coming to power not given confidence to foreign investors.

He adds that the recent statement the President made on the alleged fake money in circulation further heightened the concerns of investors. Mr. Hichilema has advised President Sata not to be careless in making statements that border on the economy of the country.

The opposition leader says his party is concerned with such statements coming from the head of state.

Meanwhile, Alliance for Democracy and Development ADD leader Charles Milupi has said that President Michael Sata was wrong when he referred to Barotseland agreement advocates as being in a weaker position.

Mr. Milupi said that though the call for dialogue is welcome, the Republican President was rather sarcastic when he stated that those trying to be confrontational on the Barotseland agreement were in a weaker position.

He said that Barotseland agreement advocates have a right to ask what they asked for, stating that the language the President used was a bit hard.

Republican president Michael Sata this week urged the people of western province not to resort to confrontation in dealing with issues surrounding the Barotseland agreement.

But Mr. Milupi has urged the president not to use perceived bad words in trying to resolve challenges that have been facing western province.

Mr. Milupi said that though the call for dialogue is welcome, the Republican President was rather sarcastic when he stated that those trying to be confrontational on the Barotseland agreement were in a weaker position.

And The Foundation for Democratic Process FODEP has called on first republican president Dr. Kenneth Kaunda to intervene in resolving the Barotseland agreement of 1964.

FODEP executive director MacDonald Chipenzi says now that republican President Michael Sata has opened dialogue on the same, it is important that the first republican president intervenes.

Mr. Chipenzi says Dr. Kaunda being a signatory to the agreement should come forward and offer advice on how the issue of the Barotseland agreement should be resolved.

In an interview with QFM radio, Mr Chipenzi has welcomed government’s stance to promote dialogue in resolving issues surrounding the controversy in Western Province.

He adds that there is need for unity in the country in view of the many developmental challenges being faced.

The FODEP executive director further says that there is need for government to ensure that all the issues surrounding the Barotseland agreement are resolved in the shortest period of time.


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