
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

(LUSAKATIMES) My Government will never be pre-occupied with larger numbers in parliament-Sata

My Government will never be pre-occupied with larger numbers in parliament-Sata
TIME PUBLISHED - Tuesday, December 20, 2011, 2:47 pm

Republican President Michael Sata has said that his government is not and will never be pre-occupied with getting large numbers inparliament. The President said that it was not government’s intention to deplete opposition parliamentary numbers.

The president said that he has appointed opposition MPs to serve in government because the PF government wants to have an all-inclusive approach in governing the country.

“We have to explain to the country that the move is a deliberate gesture to be inclusive and not to deplete the numbers of the opposition inparliament”, the president said

“I am grateful to the three honorable colleagues for accepting joining government to strengthen our togetherness as a country.”

“We have huge development arrears to address for our country to seriously tackle many sorrowful pockets of misery and poverty. We need unity to achieve these high goals”, the president said, adding that “the balance of the opposition in the house still remains formidable enough to keep government in check.”

“My government is not and will never be pre-occupied with larger numbers in parliament. This is because we will not take to the house laws or measures that are partisan”, he empahised.

“Everything we will take to parliament will have consensus of the zambian people and will always have the sole purpose of safeguarding their interests and facilitating a quicker pace of development so that we can banish poverty from our midst”, he said.

“I am sure that our colleagues who join government today will serve with distinction and honor”, he stated

And the president has directed cabinet ministers to desist from making policy statements in parliament that have not been approved by cabinet.

President Sata has also bemoaned the low levels of discipline among ministers who having been missing parliament sittings.

“Let me take this opportunity to say that i have observed with disquiet and displeasure the low levels of discipline amongst ministers and deputy ministers as regards presence inparliament”, the president said.

“This is not only a wake up call but a final warning”, warned the president

The President said that he will only approve international trips for ministers when parliament is sitting in very exceptional circumstances.

The president also urged the newly sworn-in judges to work towards improving the judicial system in the country.

Mr Sata noted the need for poor people who could not afford legal representation to be helped, adding that government is aware of the many challenges that the judiciary is facing and that will do everything possible to improve the situation

And the president said that there has to be a sense of urgency in the way government work if the PF government is to make a difference.

“If the pf is to make a significant difference there must be radical change in the way we do business in government. Let us all have a sense of urgency as we adhere to correct procedures and practices”, he said.

“When parliament adjourns I want the Ministry of Finance and National Planning to have regular meetings with each and every ministry not only to harmonise positions but to monitor the progress of projects.
This will also entail that hindrances to progress are attended to before things reach crisis proportions,” he instructuted.

The President has since sworn in opposition MMD’s Elijah Muchima, Isaac Banda and Steven Masumba as deputy ministers in the ministries of lands, energy and water development , mines and mineral development and, local government,housing and early childhood respectively.

Colonel Gerry Chanda and Rodgers Mwewa have also been sworn-in as provincial ministers for Lusaka and Copperbelt provinces respectively.

Others sworn-in include Abraham Mwenda as permanent secretary in the ministry of finance and national while Miriam Chinyama and George Zulu will serve in the ministries of education and lands respectively in similar capacities.

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