
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

(LUSAKATIMES) Nevers Mumba’s brother questions his political ambitions

Nevers Mumba’s brother questions his political ambitions
TIME PUBLISHED - Wednesday, December 28, 2011, 8:37 am

POLITICIAN Cosmo Mumba has advised elder brother Nevers to reconsider his political aspirations, saying many citizens do not subscribe to the values of the MMD. Cosmo, who is National Revolutionary Party president, has also distanced his party and himself from the activities of Dr Mumba.

“I wish to distance our party from the political aspirations and activities of Dr Mumba, whose major objective is to rescue the MMD from its comatose,” Cosmo said at a press briefing at Taj Pamodzi Hotel in Lusaka yesterday.

He charged that the MMD’s ‘distorted’ vision in the last 20 years the party had been in power only managed to kill the country’s economic aspirations.

He said Dr Mumba will have to rewrite the rules of political prophecy for him to resuscitate the MMD.

“The challenge is that Dr Mumba and his colleagues in the MMD tap into the same belief system and yet are members of different spiritual constituencies. Their world views are conditioned by different systems, deadly certainties and mystical orientations,” Cosmo said.

He said it is unrealistic for Dr Mumba, who has been out of the country for over two years, to just come back and venture into politics. Dr Mumba was Zambia’s High Commissioner to Canada until recently.

“To the contrary, we recall President Sata’s pledge to govern the nation based on the 10 commandments of the Old Testament. We hereby advise Dr Mumba to carefully scrutinise his facts to avoid the many errors of judgment he has exhibited in the three short months he has been out of his job as High Commissioner to Canada,” Cosmo said.

He said his party supports the establishment of the technical committee on drafting the republican constitution which will incorporate and reflect economic objectives, strategies and priorities which will be in tandem with national development plans.

He called on political parties to reflect on why they lost the elections and allow the PF to implement their manifesto.

Cosmo said his party will support the PF, adding that the ruling party has delivered on its promises to reduce the price of fuel and increase the tax threshold.

“The PF has inspired hope and confidence in the people by demonstrating its vision with practical policy options,” he said.

Cosmo also said former vice-president George Kunda is not the best person to champion human rights in the country. He accused Mr Kunda of showing no respect for the rule of law as “he only supported Rupiah Banda.”

“We wish to warn George Kunda and his surrogates that the people who voted for the PF are watching him,” he said. He also welcomed the ratification of Mutembo Nchito and Musa Mwenye as Director of Public Prosecutions and Solicitor-General, respectively.

Cosmo said his party will advise the PF constructively and quietly when it makes a mistake. He said he will work with the PF government in whatever capacity. He said current investigations into the alleged corrupt activities of former leaders in the previous administration must be extended to journalist Chanda Chimba, Committee of Citizens executive director Gregory Chifire, New Generation Party president Humphrey Siulapwa and Evangelical Youth Alliance pastor Moses Lungu.

Cosmo called on the people of the Western Province to be patient with the PF government, saying President Sata is yet to study the report by the Roger Chongwe commission of inquiry into the January killings in Mongu.

Meanwhile, THE MMD has started the process of appointing an eight-member committee to organise an extraordinary convention to elect former President Rupiah Banda’s successor.

The committee will include party national secretary Richard Kachingwe and national treasurer Mwansa Mbulakulima.

In an interview yesterday, MMD deputy national secretary Chembe Nyangu clarified that the former ruling party has not yet appointed the committee but is in the process of doing so.

“This committee will have men and women who are concerned about the welfare of the party. We want people who will perform and not individuals who do not have the interest of the party at heart. We feel that more women should be on the committee because we believe that they are good performers,” Mr Nyangu said.

He said the extraordinary convention will be held in accordance with the MMD constitution to avoid litigation.

He said other members of the committee will be named after consultations are concluded.

“We will hold the convention as soon as all logistics are in place and we hope to do that soon,” Mr Nyangu said.

On December 17, 2011, MMD spokesperson Dora Siliya announced that the MMD national executive committee (NEC) resolved that the party would go for a convention to elect the party president.

“Initially, we had allowed to field a new president through NEC after President Rupiah Banda announced soon after the elections that he wanted to retire. But the full NEC meeting has agreed that we should pick the president at the extraordinary convention,” Ms Siliya said.

[Zambia Daily Mail]

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