
Friday, December 23, 2011

Mulusa urges MMD in government to be professional

Mulusa urges MMD in government to be professional
By Moses Kuwema
Fri 23 Dec. 2011, 13:40 CAT

MMD provincial youth chairman for North Western Province Stafford Mulusa says MMD members of parliament who have been appointed as deputy ministers should work professionally with all Zambians and not bring shame to the party.

In a statement, Mulusa also reminded the deputy ministers that loyalty was very important to the Republican president and the MMD as a party.

"It is obvious that many people from both the PF and MMD may not be happy about these appointments and this is a great challenge to those taking up government positions. MMD is your father and so get the appointments and be ready for disappointments at any time," Mulusa stated.

He also stated that the youths in the party would work to do away with the corrupt tag that had been tied on the MMD.

Mulusa added that the MMD youths would soon petition the National Executive Committee (NEC) and all the presidential aspirants for their inclusion in the highest organ of the party.

He stated that the party must embrace provincial youth leaders in NEC and re-introduce and advertise the position of vice-president.

"The new party president must unite and reconcile the general membership of the party, especially those ill-treated now and in the past. Hatred of personalities in the party by senior party members will destroy our hope to rebuild the party. Some punishments are very unnecessary as they clearly show arrogance and hatred at the expense of building the party," he stated.

Mulusa stated that many serious members of the party had either left or remained mute on party matters due to poor leadership that was being exhibited by some very senior party officials.

He stated that the challenge now lay on the new leadership of the MMD to clean up the ills by taking everybody on board.

"The candidate who will attract old members back to the party is the best to lead. One who will have the blessings of the founder members of the MMD and uphold the party principles and ideals is surely the leader we need," he stated.

Mulusa further stated that democracy would not excel without the full participation of the MMD as a strong opposition in the country.

He stated that the performance of the PF government would depend on the strength and objectivity of the opposition political parties.

Mulusa also stated that youths must refrain from being used to confuse campaigns or intimidate candidates who may be vulnerable.

"…As youths, we would not entertain corruption during campaigns," stated Mulusa.

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