
Friday, December 02, 2011

Mutati pledges to lead re-organisation of MMD

Mutati pledges to lead re-organisation of MMD
By Roy Habaalu
Fri 02 Dec. 2011, 13:45 CAT

FELIX Mutati says he believes he is the best man to lead MMD. And Mutati says he will make himself available as a candidate for the MMD presidency when a convention is adopted as a mode of selecting a successor to Rupiah Banda.

Announcing his decision to contest the MMD presidency, Mutati stated that, "MMD will be back and govern again". He stated that faced with hard decisions to make, the MMD should either migrate, adapt or become extinct.

"I am certain that the first and last options do not inspire any committed member of the MMD such as myself. The only viable option that we must take is that of adaptation," he stated.

"In a time of change, we must be honest with ourselves in accepting that we have drifted away from what made us relevant to the vast majority of Zambian people, that we may have lost sight of our vision as framed in the years 1990-1991. It is for this reason that the electorate rewarded us with a seat as an opposition party."

Mutati advised the MMD to avoid the rush towards having a transitional leader who might not command the type of authority needed to restructure the party.

"The challenge before us now is to re-group and immediately come up with a time-table for a convention or a mini-convention in order for us to begin the serious work of reorganising our party. After this is done, then we can all collectively get involved in having the party re-launched," he stated.

Mutati stated that he was fully committed to the general economic principles of the MMD that took an economy on its knees in 1991 to a strong growth economy.

"I am ready, together with my colleagues in the party, to spearhead its re-organisation and prove to the nation that the MMD is ready to lead, first, as an opposition party and subsequently setting the stage for it to once again be the governing party," he stated.

Mutati pledged to courageously provide leadership to the MMD and asked Zambians to judge him based on his capacity to deliver.

"It is my firm belief that I have the necessary knowledge and skills to take MMD forward and to give the members hope and dignity," stated Mutati.

"To the MMD I say, weep no more, wipe away your tears, and take off your black clothing which symbolised mourning."

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