
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

(NEWZIMBABWE) Mugabe wades into DRC poll dispute

Mugabe wades into DRC poll dispute
21/12/2011 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe on Tuesday hinted Zimbabwe was ready to intervene yet again in the Democratic Republic Congo (DRC) as the huge central African country teeters on the brink following disputed presidential election.

Mugabe was the only foreign head of state to attend Joseph Kabila’s sweating-in for a new term as DRC president on Tuesday following elections the opposition dismisses as fraudulent.

Opposition leader Etienne Tshisekedi maintains he won the poll and says he will swear himself in on Friday, raising fears of renewed street violence in the capital Kinshasa where he is popular.

But speaking to the media journalists after the event Mugabe pledged to back Kabila.

"We are one with them (Congolese) as they cele­brate the victory and his party and having won, and won thunderously against Tshisekedi. He has won a democratic election,” the Zimbabwean leader said.

"This must send a clear message to those who had other ideas. Any attempt to under­mine that democratic Government will be resisted by Africa, SADC and Zimbabwe which has been a partner to the Congolese people."

Zimbabwe sent thousands of troops to the DRC in 1998 to back Kabila’s father, Laurent, as his regime was threatened by a sweeping rebel advance from outside the capital, Kinshasa.

Joseph Kabila assumed power following his father’s assassination in 2001.
However, his re-election on November 28 was marred by deadly violence and allegations of fraud.

On Tuesday he vowed to rebuild a country shattered by decades of conflict which have left it unable to benefit from its vast mineral resources.

"We are going to pursue an improvement of the business climate to better serve investors. We are also going to pursue and accelerate the reconstruction of the country," Kabila said after he was sworn in by the country’s Supreme Court.

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