
Saturday, December 17, 2011

PF has failed to tackle unemployment

COMMENT - I don't know whether he has been quoted correctly, but Jack Mwiimbu sounds like an idiot. No one expects that the PF will 'tackle unemployment', whatever that means, in 3 months after being elected. Now if he wants to criticize the idea that the foreign mining companies are here to 'bring jobs' instead of generate the tax revenues by which jobs can actually get created (infrastrucgture, agriculture, manufacturing), then he has a point. However the UPND is also a neoliberal party, so...

PF has failed to tackle unemployment
TIME PUBLISHED - Saturday, December 17, 2011, 8:15 am

An opposition member of parliament has charged that the PF government has failed to tackle unemployment.

UPND’s Jack Mwimbu also said in Parliament that the PF’s promise of tackling many issues within 90 days have not born fruit.

He said with only six days before the 90 days of delivery comes to an end, many Zambians remain unemployed and the promises made in the campaign have not been met.

Mr Mwimbu said many people are unable to access the CEEC fund especially those in rural areas making it even more difficult for them to empower themselves.

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