
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sata defending illegality on vending, says Mwanza

Sata defending illegality on vending, says Mwanza
By Fridah Nkonde in Ndola
Wed 21 Dec. 2011, 13:57 CAT

YOUNG African Leaders Initiative Zambia governance advisor Isaac Mwanza says President Michael Sata should not be seen to be antagonising local councils over street vending issues. And Mwanza says President Sata is supporting illegality by allowing street vending.

Commenting on President Sata's directive to councils countrywide to leave street vendors alone following the Ministry of Local Government's directive that they go to designated trading places, Mwanza said his organisation was at a loss over the head of state's action.

Mwanza said there was need for the President and his government to come up with a definite policy statement on how they intend to create employment for Zambians, stating its deliverable objectives and timeframe and not just allow street vending.

"We are aware of the dismal unemployment levels obtaining while we do not condone street vending for various and obvious reasons. Street vendors must somehow fend for themselves and their families," Mwanza said.

He said while street vending might be used in the short term for those without employment to earn a living, there was need for government to step up efforts to create employment opportunities in the long run.

Mwanza said street vending was not a viable and feasible solution to the unemployment problems in Zambia.

"The President will do better to address matters such as this one and we demand that he makes his stance clear on street vending. When PF was campaigning, one of the thrusting messages that won many hearts of the Zambians was his Excellency's stance on cleaning streets," he said.

Mwanza said President Sata should tell the nation the PF's policy plan on street vending because it was clear there was a contradiction in policy direction between the local government minister and the President.

He said with outbreaks of cholera, typhoid and other diseases, it was saddening that President Sata himself could condone street vending and defend illegality.

Mwanza said streets would forever be dirty with the influx of street vending.

"We have four modern markets; two in Kitwe and two in Lusaka that have about five per cent occupancy level and it would only be fair that they (street vendors) are told to go back to the markets. We are aware that the Minister of Local Government Professor Nkandu Luo urged and sensitised the removal of street vendors in town and also urged vendors to leave the streets willingly," he said.

Mwanza said President Sata's counteractive directive was very unfortunate and raised a call for devolution of powers.

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