
Friday, December 30, 2011

Simuusa vows to subdue corruption in mining

Simuusa vows to subdue corruption in mining
By Gift Chanda
Mon 26 Dec. 2011, 13:58 CAT

MINES minister Wilbur Simuusa says he will discharge his duties in the most transparent and fair manner. Simuusa, in an interview, said his ministry would operate on the basis of zero-tolerance to corruption in line with President Michael Sata's declaration that the PF government would deal sternly with those who would be found to be corrupt.

"As Minister of Mines, I will ensure that my ministry is rid of corruption. Our President said he is allergic to corruption; even us as ministers, we have to be allergic to corruption and ensure that we discharge our duties in the most fair, transparent and effective manner devoid of any corruption," he said.

And responding to accusations by Euro Africa Kalengwa Mine director Elijah Muyompe that he, as Minister of Mines, failed to help matters over the Kalengwa Mine dispute between the former and Hetro Mining, Simuusa said his ministry would not take sides in the matter but ensure that correct channels are followed in resolving the issue.

"First of all, it is not right for Euro Africa to bring my name into disrepute over this matter. They know very well that their prospecting licence has not been renewed for that mine, and they know very well that their colleagues Hetro Mining hold a processing licence for Kalengwa Mine. I have tried my best to resolve this issue, and I will not be derailed in resolving it transparently regardless of who is involved," Simuusa said.

"No one has a right to mine in that area because none of them have a licence that allows them to mine in that area. I advised Kalengwa Mine the best way to proceed in this matter and they chose not to listen to that advice. What Euro Africa should be doing now is fight for the renewal of the licence and not antagonising the whole process."

Hetro Mining owned by Kitwe businessman Shawi Fawaz, which was evicted from Kalengwa Mine by Euro Africa following a disputed court order in favour of the latter, has since obtained a High Court order to take possession of the mine and property worth billions of kwacha which were seized by the Sheriff's Office.

According to an ex parte order of interim custody and detention of property, the Ndola High Court has ordered Euro Africa Kalengwa Mining Ltd directors, shareholders, employees and agents not to interfere with Hetro Mining's operations under the processing licence.

The order further states that Euro Africa should not interfere with the processing and movement of the ore, operation of the plant machinery, equipment, motor vehicles and all other such activities related to the said licence, pending an inter-parte hearing.

Hetro Mining earlier obtained a writ of execution to stop Euro Africa from conducting any mining activities and selling its properties, arguing that it was in possession of a processing licence for the mine in question. Euro Africa Mine on the other hand held a prospecting licence for the mine which expired and is seeking renewal.

Last week, Euro Africa Kalengwa Mine director Elijah Muyompe challenged the judiciary to provide due direction over the Kalengwa Mine in Mufumbwe, whose ownership was granted to Euro Africa by the Lusaka High Court but has again been invaded by Hetro Mining and other ore dealers.

Muyompe charged that actions by Hetro Mining to disregard a High Court order granting ownership of the mine to Euro Africa and invading the site was an act of impunity and contempt of court.

He said Fawaz's action was a daring move to the authority of the judiciary and that the government needed to come clean over claims by Fawaz that he was untouchable.

Muyompe further complained that mines minister Wylbur Simuusa failed to help matters during a meeting called recently to discuss the impasse over Kalengwa Mine between Euro Africa and Hetro Mining because it appeared the minister was also compromised.

But Simuusa said Euro Africa should desist from making wild allegations on the matter.

"I do not have time to side with anyone. All we are trying to do is to help the situation and sort it out once and for all," said Simuusa. "We are still working on measures to rectify and correct many situations in the Ministry of Mines."

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