
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

(TALKZIMBABWE) Zanu-PF censures finance minister Biti

COMMENT - More sabotage coming from the MDC. Their underfunding of agriculture is especially sinister.

Zanu-PF censures finance minister Biti
Posted by By Our reporter at 12 December, at 10 : 05 AM

ZANU-PF has censured Finance Minister Tendai Biti for not allocating enough resources to ministries led by the party, frustrating the implementation of the party’s resolutions from conferences. The party resolved at its just-ended 12th Annual National People’s Conference that something should be done to stop Minister Biti.

The resolution was presented by Zanu-PF secretary for legal affairs Emmerson Mnangagwa at the end of the conference. He said Biti was not providing funds to key economic enablers such as the communication sector, roads rehabilitation, railway networks and agriculture.

Zanu-PF said in its Central Committee report in Bulawayo that MDC formations in the inclusive Government were frustrating the party.

“The ministries held by party members performed well, albeit with constraints imposed by the Minister of Finance (Mr Tendai Biti) with regard to the resource allocation,” Zanu-PF said.

“As a result of the challenges and the limitations caused by the inclusive Government, the party could not directly influence the implementation of the conference resolutions, especially in the ministries held by the MDC formations.”

The report said resolutions that guided the party in its activities and members at all levels were well informed.

The party said this resulted in greater policy coherence, unity of purpose, direction and vision.

“It is hoped that the 12th Annual National People’s Conference will be mindful of not only its influence, but also its responsibility to chart the way forward and develop people-centred programmes for the party in 2012,” reads part of the report.

While presenting resolutions at the close of the conference, Mnangagwa said the inclusive Government had outlived its lifespan and it was time that it is terminated.

The party came up with people-centred economic and international resolutions that cannot be effectively implemented as long as the inclusive Government was in place, he said.

Mnangagwa said the conference resolved that Government should introduce a domestic currency that should run concurrently with the multiple currencies the country is using to ease challenges.

“All the proceeds of mining should be banked in Zimbabwe to increase the availability of funding for local companies,” he said.

“The party directed Government to stop the practice where banks divert deposits to offshore bank accounts where the money is used to fund foreign companies.”

The party resolved that all beneficiaries of the land reform programme who were leasing farms to white former commercial farmers be penalised.

“The conference resolved to direct the Government to withdraw offer letters given to people leasing land to white former commercial farmers,” he said.

There are reports that some new farmers were leasing farms to white former commercial farmers at the behest of their leaders.

Mnangagwa said the party strongly condemned homosexuality as well as Britain and America’s threats to stop giving aid to poor countries that do not embrace gays and lesbians’ rights in their constitutions.

On its foreign policy, the party resolved to strengthen relations between the country and China and the rest of the Asian countries.

The party also called for massive registration of voters and discouraged members from vote buying as the party prepares for general elections next year.

The party urged the Government to de-register some non-governmental organisations that diverted from their mandate and interfered with the country’s internal affairs.


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