
Saturday, January 07, 2012

Corruption fight has taken new dimension - ACC

Corruption fight has taken new dimension - ACC
By Bright Mukwasa and Kabanda Chulu
Sat 07 Jan. 2012, 14:00 CAT

ACC director general Rosewin Wandi says the fight against corruption has taken a new dimension under the PF government. Wandi said it was now apparent that the fight against corruption was gaining momentum under President Michael Sata.

"Political will is the sine qua non (a condition) of an efficient and effective fight against corruption that is non selective, professionally executed and where there is true equality before the law. As Anti Corruption Commission we are gratified and encouraged by the prevailing demonstrable political will in our country to fight corruption," Wandi told journalists during a press briefing yesterday.

"We have already witnessed and are part of the joint investigation teams set up to probe plunder of public resources as well as abuses of authority of offices cases. There is no doubt that the fight against corruption is gaining momentum."

Wandi said the reinstatement of the abuse of authority of office clause would definitely boost the fight against corruption.

She said corruption was a complex and cross cutting vice that required a multi-disciplined approach to combat and called on all stakeholders to join the fight.

"The Anti-Corruption Act no.38 of 2010 is under review which seeks to re-instate the abuse of authority of office clause, among other provisions, a move being supported by the Commission. Law is dynamic. There is need to keep reviewing anti-corruption laws to ensure they are responsive to changes," she said.

"At this point Zambia needs the provision that criminalises the abuse of authority of office and possession of ill-gotten property. This is necessary for the preservation of public resources that will eventually trickle down to our citizens through developmental projects and poverty reduction measures for the benefit of all Zambians."

She said there was also need to develop and review social mechanisms in the anti-corruption fight and to counter cultural and traditional aspects that promote corruption.

Wandi said there was need to encourage all citizens to commit to the fight against corruption as the atmosphere was right for the Commission and other players to fight it with results.

Wandi said the ACC was rejuvenated with its vision of being the lead institution of a broad sector alliance for combating corruption in the country.

"Our government is resolved to deal with corruption decisively. We as ACC have taken advantage of that political will. I wish to assure Zambians that I, together with my team at ACC will relentlessly carry out our mandate in an impartial and professional manner at all times," said Wandi.

"However, I wish to warn those holding public positions and own or have interest in companies or businesses not to fall prey to conflict of interests and to abuse of authority of office by influencing the award of tenders or other business ventures to those companies where they have interest. If they fail to adhere to this warning, the due process of the law will take its course. There will be no sacred cows."

Wandi also said the Commission would take measures to improve the pace of investigations, work and boost the capacity of its investigators.

She said the Commission had initiated contact with the office of the Auditor General for collaboration in ensuring that corruption cases were dealt with at an early stage.

Wandi said the Commission would continue to spearhead the implementation of the national anti-corruption policy in order to maximise corruption prevention initiatives.

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