
Monday, January 02, 2012

Erratic rainfall worries farmers

Erratic rainfall worries farmers
By Gift Chanda
Mon 02 Jan. 2012, 13:40 CAT

FARMERS say they are unsettled by this year's rainfall pattern. In an interview, Joshua Mweemba, a farmer in Southern Province, said the rainfall pattern this year threatens food security in the province. Mweemba observed that the rains this season lacked consistency, which could lead to poor yields being recorded.

"We are having too many dry spells and this is a source of concern to us," he said.

"The danger is that we may get poor yields because we planted early and because the fertiliser arrived late, we didn't apply on time."

Another farmer and member of the Itezhi-tezhi farmers association, Frederick Katabu also raised concern over rainfall situation in the area.

He said the area was receiving reduced rains this year compared with the same period last season.

In Kabompo, the district association chairperson Jonas Kapapila said moderate rains were being recorded in the area.

"The rains here are okay. It is moderate. The only problem is that this is when some people are starting to plant their seeds because the seeds arrived late," he said.

"So that is our only worry when it comes to crop yields." In Solwezi, farmers said it was raining heavily.

Meanwhile, weather updates from the Zambia Metrological Department (ZMD) indicate that most parts of the country have been receiving reduced rainfall in the last two weeks.

ZMD senior meteorological officer Loveness Shabalengu last Tuesday predicted a general increase in rainfall activities across the country.

She said the increase in rainfall activity across the country was expected to continue into the new year with the rains likely to be more predominant over the Copperbelt, North Western and Western provinces.

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