
Friday, January 06, 2012

(HERALD) Give communal farmers a chance: Shamu

Give communal farmers a chance: Shamu
Friday, 06 January 2012 00:00
Chinhoyi Bureau

COMMERCIAL farmers and other large scale farmers should give A1 and communal farmers a chance to get inputs under the various schemes, including the Presidential Well-Wishers inputs scheme while they work out alternative means, Zanu-PF national political commissar Cde Webster Shamu has said.

His remarks come in the wake of reports that some influential people including large scale commercial farmers took the larger chunk of the inputs that were on offer at the various GMB depots across the country at the expense of small-scale farmers.

Cde Shamu was speaking at the burial of Mashonaland West province women's league political commissar Cde Enia Nyathi who died on Tuesday morning after a short illness.

He said corruption had the effect of disenfranchising Zanu-PF as a party and the ordinary people before calling for the Grain Marketing Board to devise ways of ensuring equitable distribution of the inputs.

"We cannot have a situation where one person comes and gets 40 tonnes of fertiliser at the expense of someone who needs 500kgs for a successful season.

"Commercial farmers and A2 farmers have the capacity to apply for loans and access to various facilities," he said.

Turning to Cde Nyathi, whose Chimurenga name was Chenjerai Mauto, Cde Shamu said she stood for the safeguarding of the country's sovereignty.

All Zimbabweans, he said should emulate Cde Nyathi while working to bring unity in the party and the country which leads to development.

He said steps should be put in place to organise structures from the cell level in the province and the country by the end of January, leading to the organi- sation of the district and provincial structures.

Also speaking at the burial Mashona- land West governor and Resident Minister Faber Chidarikire said the province had lost a gallant heroine who stood for the development and independence of the country.

Cde Nyathi joined the liberation struggle in 1976 and went for training two years later at Chimoio Training Camp.

Cde Nyathi operated in the Musikavanhu Sector in Manica Province. At ceasefire she went to Manyene assembly Point before joining the Public Service under the Ministry of Youth Development and Indigenisation where she worked as a youth officer until the time of her death.

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