
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Kambwili rebukes Gourock manager

Kambwili rebukes Gourock manager
By Fridah Nkonde in Ndola
Wed 25 Jan. 2012, 13:57 CAT

MINISTER of Labour, Youth, and Sports Chishimba Kambwili on Monday rebuked Gourock Limited Company factory manager for the poor conditions of service the employees were experiencing. During a surprise visit to the company, Kambwili told the factory manager Sharma Sharad that he would not allow abuse of workers.

"I have received a lot of complaints from your employees concerning the poor conditions of service. You should make sure that the working hours are reduced because I am aware that the working hours here are very abnormal. One thing you should also know is that the minimum wage of K419,000 should not be used at this company because that minimum wage is meant for people like house servants," he said.

Kambwili said he did not want investors to give the Zambian employees short-term contracts because they did not provide job security to the individual. He encouraged all investors to give Zambian employees permanent and pensionable jobs.

Kambwili warned Sharad not to exonerate himself because he had "received a lot of letters and text messages from his employees".

He told Sharad to caution the people in management not to insult employees or even use abusive language against Zambian employees.

"Tell your people to stop insulting the Zambians because they will be forced to leave this country if they continue with this kind of behaviour. Tell them to respect the Zambian employees because they are the ones working hard so that the company makes profit. You should also stop bringing a lot of Indians to come and work because our own people have the capacity to do so. We allow you to invest in our country because we want to create employment for our people," he said.

Kambwili was saddened when he found Zambian workers in the factory without proper protective clothing and warned factory inspector Alliot Kapambalala for not doing his job.

"Even last time you did the same. If you continue behaving like this, you will be fired because you labour officers always want to receive bribes from these investors. And this should immediately come to an end because you will be forced to resign or I will fire you," he said.

Kambwili said he was aware that labour officers had earlier on tipped Sharad that he was going to pay them a surprise visit.

He said it was surprising that he had found almost all the workers wearing new overalls even though they did not have proper safety shoes.

Some workers were brave enough to tell Kambwili that the overalls had been given to them that very day while others, fearing being victimised, failed to speak out.

"If I hear that these people who are giving us information are victimised or fired from your company, heads will roll. I will definitely come back for you and you will not like it," he said.

And Sharad said the company had a union which was negotiating for the workers.

Sharad said that the company was doing everything possible to improve the conditions of service for the workers.

"No one gets below K1 million. I have been in Zambia for the last three years and I wish to stay longer. We are doing our best," he said.

Meanwhile Gourock's workers' union secretary Jack Mwansa said things at Gourock were not good and that there was need for government to intervene.

"Honourable minister people here are underpaid. Just look at me, I am a degree holder but I don't get more than K700,000. There is also too much victimisation, casualisation and our bosses like using abusive language. They enjoy insulting us using their own language but we have been with them for a very long time and we understand some of the terms," he said.

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