
Monday, January 16, 2012

Kambwili refutes Post story

Kambwili refutes Post story
By Chiwoyu Sinyangwe and Bright Mukwasa
Mon 16 Jan. 2012, 13:58 CAT

LABOUR minister Chishimba Kambili on Saturday night accused The Post of falsifying a story that President Michael Sata moved him from Ministry of Foreign Affairs because diplomats had complained about his crude language.

According to sources that attended a dinner dubbed "Meet the Honourable" at Rose Villa in Luanshya, Kambwili who was flanked by communications deputy minister Mwenya Musenge, also accused the authors of the story of tribal hatred.

The sources said guests at the dinner dance were disappointed and openly complained about Kambwili's conduct.

"The function we were told was supposed to feature Hon Given Lubinda, Hon Musenge and of course Hon Kambwili who were supposed to play live music," the sources explained.

The sources said just when the guests were beginning to settle down, Kambwili announced to the audience that he wanted to clarify something concerning the story which appeared in The Post last week explaining that he was transferred from Ministry of Foreign Affairs after diplomats complained he lacked etiquette.

"The Honourable said the story was totally false and that he doesn't get bothered by The Post getting false stories to attack him," the source explained.

"Honourable Kambwili said he took great exception to that article and said it's not difficult to see that The Post has embarked on a crusade to fight him."

The sources said Kambwili also attacked the author of the story as being a native of Southern Province.

"We think he should not have used that platform to attack The Post," said the sources.

"The other unfortunate thing is that he used the platform to start attacking the reporters, that they wrote a story like that because they are from Southern Province and that they hate him. In fact, he said ‘I am not surprised that the same article in The Post was written by a Tonga. In fact, he boasted that during his tenure as foreign affairs minister, he chaired the Great Lakes Region meeting and another meeting in the UK where, in a letter sent to His Excellency the President, the British government said ‘we have never such a rich contribution from a foreign affairs minister in a long time."

When contacted to verify what he said, Kabwili denied ever attacking The Post in his remarks, saying he was not there to fight any media.

He refused having mentioned any tribe in his address.

"I will not answer that question. I did not mention any tribe. So let's not twist stories. I said the story was written by a reporter from Livingstone," said Kambwili.

He complained about The Post story quoting sources saying part of reason he was moved from Ministry of Foreign Affairs was because diplomats raised concern over his use of vulgar language.

Kambwili said the story was false and was "all lies, fabrication, and concoction".

Asked if he said The Post was attacking him deliberately to destroy his name, Kambwili said: "Excuse me! If your source has told you that, that's the problem with you The Post, you always want to twist things… that's the problem. Not all of you at The Post but some of you reporters have a habit of twisting things. Just go and ask your source, I have told you I said the reporter was from Livingstone."

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