
Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Kunda accuses state media of lies

Kunda accuses state media of lies
By Roy Habaalu
Wed 04 Jan. 2012, 13:58 CAT

GEORGE Kunda yesterday complained that the state media was publishing a lot of lies against opposition MMD leaders. Kunda is a former vice-president in Rupiah Banda's regime, which had a tight grip on public media to an extent where opposition politicians were vilified.

Kunda, together with his colleagues such as Lt Gen Ronnie Shikapwasha even opposed media self-regulation and supported programmes such as Chanda Chimba's Stand Up for Zambia, which openly attacked political opponents and private media heads with impunity.

Some of the MMD propaganda programmes and articles have landed state media into various libel suits some from President Michael Sata and information minister Given Lubinda.

But briefing the media on the MMD's expectations from the PF government yesterday, Kunda complained that the state media was blacking out the opposition. This was after he was asked how he felt being covered by the public media when his government denied the opposition coverage.

"In the public state media we're covered in the negative and sometimes when you want to correct a defamatory statement, you're either blacked out or covered in the negative. Lies are coming out in the public state media. We can't defend ourselves it's wrong but it's getting worse," said Kunda, once an ardent critic of The Post and a ‘friend' of the state media.

"Look at the Zambia Daily Mail! The Post, I must give you some credit. Sometimes you cover us… but you also covered Mr (President) Sata throughout and that was unprofessional. We are on the receiving end to The Post." Kunda complained of negative coverage and being blacked out by state media.

Recently when debating the 2012 national budget in Parliament, Kunda said The Post had taken a good stance of criticising the PF government over wrong decisions it has been making.

Kunda said the private-owned newspaper should continue pursuing justice in the country.

"I am reading The Post newspaper. This is a very good newspaper. I was praising The Post newspaper for the way they do their editorial comments," Kunda said in apparent reference to an editorial comment, which criticised the PF's inaugural budget.

"This is of very high standards. They have turned their arsenals, from the MMD, now they are attacking the PF government and that is how it should be. Where mistakes are made, they should be pointed out and brought to the attention of the public. In this paper it is about the national budget and the Minister of Finance has been heavily criticised. He was writing very good articles before he became a minister and they have quoted him extensively on how he used to think at that time but now they are saying you are just adopting the MMD budget and there is no coloration between the promises which you made when you were campaigning and the budget. So I think this is a very good newspaper."

Kunda said he wanted The Post to continue fighting for justice.

Banda's cabinet wanted to formulate a punitive media bill, which was a hybrid of media laws in Kenya, Uganda and Zimbabwe in a quest to fix The Post.

Meanwhile Kunda said President Sata spoiled his new year festivities.

Kunda, who is MMD chairman for legal affairs, said President Sata's attacks and allegations against him and his law firm made him not to celebrate New Year.

He complained that him and former ministers were living like slaves.

Kunda said he expected President Sata to deliver messages of goodwill, peace, reconciliation and encourage citizens to embrace tenets of good governance on New Years' eve.

"President Sata spoiled my new year festivities. The address to the nation was characterised by threats and attacks on individuals. He announced the setting up of a commission of inquiry to investigate some allegations against me. Listening to the President it's quite clear that the PF government is unlikely to provide good democratic governance," said Kunda.

The former vice-president who on Monday went to various media institutions to clarify the allegations said the manner in which the fight against corruption was conducted was unorthodox.

He said MMD members should brace themselves for hard times in 2012 because PF was vindictive and dedicated to vengeance, retribution and an eye for an eye principle.

Kunda accused some civil society organisations of benefiting from what he called illegal arrangements.

On the constitution-making process, Kunda said the government should disclose how much allowance was paid to members and how much the whole process would cost.

"We also note that the committee will again undertake provincial tours thereby reinventing or duplicating work already done by previous Constitutional Review bodies," said Kunda.

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