
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mazabuka PF vows not to accept donations from corrupt business houses

Mazabuka PF vows not to accept donations from corrupt business houses
By Roy Habaalu
Thu 12 Jan. 2012, 13:48 CAT

WE will not accept donations from corrupt business houses that funded the MMD's electoral campaigns, says a PF official in Southern Province.

Patriotic Front Mazabuka district chairman Sylvester Simayaba said the party would not be compromised by the Mazabuka District Association that allegedly mobilised the business community to fund the MMD.

He said the party had started raising funds on its own and writing project proposals in order to remain independent.

"The moment we go into these people's pockets, it means we are done. Most business people donated to MMD and were given contracts to supply to Zambia Sugar Company PLC…like in Mazabuka, yes we are willing to work with the business community but as long as they want to help us with motives, we're not willing to work with them," said Simayaba in an interview.

"Those who are genuine and as a way of trying to help the community it's fine, not people coming to us wanting protection, wanting help from us we are not ready to do that."

He said the party had refused to accept donations and contributions from some prominent Mazabuka businessmen who were funding the MMD's party activities.

"…We saw how MMD members in Mazabuka were compromised. Anything that these businessmen say, they would run to them," he said.

Simayaba said at some point, instructions were given from State House that the buying office at Zambia Sugar should shift from Mazabuka to Lusaka because party sympathisers were not given business.

"The coming of corporate affairs manager Lovemore Sievu changed things, he cut them. They just outsourced the buying office and this really put Sievu's life at risk. They feel Sievu has stepped on their toes because he wants to empower local entrepreneurs," he said.

Simayaba said the PF would not interfere in the operations of the company.

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