
Friday, January 27, 2012

Mukata denies dishing out food during polls

Mukata denies dishing out food during polls
By Agness Changala
Fri 27 Jan. 2012, 14:01 CAT

MMD CHILANGA member of parliament Keith Mukata has denied allegations that he was donating food stuffs and money before and during last September's general elections.

This is in a matter where Patriotic Front losing candidate Geoffrey Chumbwe is challenging Mukata and the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) for his loss in the September 20, 2011 elections, which came up before High Court judge Gaudentia Salasini.

Responding to allegations from the petitioner, Mukata who is the respondent in the case, told the court that at no time did he take part or send people to distribute food stuffs and money during and before elections.

Mukata, however, said if distribution of money or food stuffs ever happened, it was done without his knowledge or blessings.

He said the evidence given in court that he was distributing money and food to the electorate was a fabrication because those who were making such allegations were not even part of his campaign team.

Mukata also denied distributing money to electorate as an inducement to get votes.

He said the testimony that was given by one of the petitioner's witnesses, Paul Banda, was unfortunate.

Mukata said Banda did not equally belong to his campaign team to make such allegations.

He, however, admitted making a donation of paint to a school sometime in May after being approached by one of the school authorities identified as Pastor Phiri.

Mukata told the court that when the issue of donations first emerged, he called Mobi Television to clarify but he was not given the opportunity to do so.

He said the development was damaging both to him and his political party as they campaigned.

Mukata told the court that it appeared that the television station had "a bone to chew" with him because it was not the first time they published innuendos against him and his party.

The matter has been adjourned to today for continued examination in chief.

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